does she love me..?

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The blackberry started hopping over to the strawberries bush. Still feeling guilty. She let herself onto the bush to talk to strawberry.
"Hey- uh, strawberry. I'm sorry. I never meant to really annoy you. You just had annoyed me once and i was tought to always get revenge 100 times back. The truth is... I actually fell in love with you at first sight. You were energetic, exited to meet me and in general just nice..."
Strawberries turned towards blackberry. 
"Y-you love me blackberry..?"
Strawberry hopped over to blackberry, leaned over and kissed her. They made out for an hour and started dating.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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Strawberries X blackberries (enemies to lovers, lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now