Why does blackberry annoy me so much?

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It was a normal day as a strawberry, I started brushing my leaves and showering in rain to get myself ready for the day. I saw that the bush next to us had new things growing. I was so exited to see the new bush neighbors. They seemed odd, they did not grow the same way we did. They were smaller and I thought they were red but turns out they weren't. Finally, the day they were done growing was done. I made sure I was ready to go and meet the new bush neighbors. I plucked myself off thr bush and hopped over. When I got there I realized they were really different, they did not have as many seeds and they were a lot smaller than me. Somebody who was around my age came and hopped off the bush to talk to me. She was odd...
"Who are you?" Said the new neighbor
"I'm your bush neighbor! I've been really exited to meet you ever since you started growing!"
She glared at me as I'd I was really weird. My excitement kinda started to dull.
"May I ask you what you are?" Asked the neighbor.
"I'm a strawberry! What are you?" Asked the strawberry.
"I'm a blackberry, I mean what else would I be?"
"Oh uh, sorry. I should have known." Said the strawberry.
"Can you go away now? I have to fix up the bush." Said the blackberry
"Yea... I'll go home now. Bye."
The strawberry frowned at it hopped home.
"Ugh, that was annoying. Why did the blackberry have to be so mean? She could have been nicer."
The next day the blackberry hopped over to the strawberries bush and threw  bugs all over it. This happened for weeks on end. The strawberries bush started to get destroyed, and finally the strawberry had enough. She hopped over to the Blackberrys bush. She started yelling up at her.
"IM TIRED OF YOU! WHY CANT YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE? YOU ALWAYS HAVEBTO DESROY MY STUFF!" She hopped away, tears starting to fill her eyes. Why did she feel bad? She hated her neighbor and she knew that blackberry hated her too.

With blackberry...

"Why did I ever bother her. I annoyed her so much because she annoyed me once. I destroyed everything for her. I wish I could just tell her how I feel."

Strawberries X blackberries (enemies to lovers, lesbian)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora