This is Officially the Worst Day of my Life

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I walked out of 4th period to lunch. My last two hours were horrifying. Let me catch you up to what happened...


Matt grabbed my hand and of course I felt the static flow run through my veins. As much as I want to throw myself at him, I tried to ignore the feeling. Right before I walked into class, he nudged me up against the lockers once again and kissed me. It's like the kiss crawled into me and lingered in my body. I jerked away, shocked, and stormed into my class, not knowing what else to do. We are too different from each other.....right?

He followed me into the classroom. I turned around and said, "WTF. Why are you following me?!"

"This is my class,too," he said with his smirk dancing across his-goregous-face. I stormed to my seat, to which he followed, and one of the football players smiled and winked at me. I heard a threatening growl from behind me. I spun around to see Matt in a protective stance inches from my body. I said, "What the hell was that for?!"

"He was flirting with you, you are mine!!" he said with the most aggravated face. 

"You do not own me!! I am my own person and nobody, not even my Mom owns me!" I practically screamed at his face. Well loud enough for everyone in the class and the teacher to turn around and stare with shocked eyes. Wait, shocked?!? Why would they be shocked? Uh oh.... Matt looks like he is about to go all wolf on me. You would think I should start walking away slowly but no I stood there with the most perfect stance. 

"You listen to me. You are my mate and no other guy will have you!" he said while using the 'Demand of the Alpha' tone. Everybody in the classroom was immediately scared of his stern voice. They bowed their heads in respect as if he already was the Alpha. Wait...? Was he...? Oooooh shit......

I sat down, trying to act like I had no care in the world for what just happened. Matt stood up straight and glared at the guy while slowly easing into his seat. The teacher started to teach, and everything went about as normal....except for the evil glares from Matt to the football player.

When the period ended, I almost ran out of the classroom, trying to get as far from Matt as I could. Who the hell does he think he is? He doesn't own me unless I tell him he can....

He ran to catch up to me and he grabbed my arm gently. I jerked away from him, keeping my pace steady. He said,"Look. I'm sorry about what just happened. I get a little protective sometimes....,"

"A little?! I don't 'own' me. We aren't even friends. So why don't you just leave me alone...please." I said. I tried to walk faster but he kept up so easily that is got me even more frustrated. 

Matt walked by my side to my 3rd hour. I turned around and stared at him. "Let me just take a wild guess here. You have this class too?" I asked. I stared into his eyes while he slowly nodded. I grunted and spun around and walked to an empty chair in the very back so he couldn't sit behind me. There was already one person on each side of me and one in front too. He looked at everyone around me. The girl next to me quickly got up and ran to the other side of the room and sat down behind a fat boy with a sweating problem. Matt slapped the smirk back on his face and sat where the girl had just been. I rolled my eyes.

Thankfully, the class went about as normal. 

The bell rang for forth hour, and I slumped out of my seat, not even bothering to try to stay away from him. He would follow me where ever I went like a lost puppy. Ha...

We walked to forth hour and, of course, he walked in, too, and sat right next to me. Then class also went by normally. Hopefully this day would get better....

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