Missing (Pt 3)

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*** 24 hours missing ***

Ravi went over to the police station immediately after it opened. He asked for Detective Hawkins and they both walked over to an empty room with nothing but a long table and two chairs to talk. 

"I need you to find Pip. She's missing. She hasn't been replying to me, answering my calls, and she's not with her parents or any of her friends. She said she was going to Nat da Silva's house before coming to mine, but she never arrived at either of those houses." Ravi desperately tried to explain. He didn't sleep at all tonight, he was just waiting for the exact time that the police station opened.

"Are you sure she's not with one of her friends? Maybe one you don't know about?" He asked, placing his hands on the table in front of him.

"Wh—Yes, Yes I'm sure." 

"I'm sorry. I can't do anything. She's probably taking a break from the world somewhere." 

"She wouldn't have left without telling me. She is missing. Can you do your job at least one time?" Ravi raised his voice.

"I'm sure she'll come back soon," He stacked up some papers he was carrying. "If she's still missing by 48 hours, you can come back."

"You're the worst detective I've ever met." Ravi pushed his chair aside and walked out, taking out his phone to call Pip's mom. She picked up on the second ring.

"Ravi? Is everything okay?" 

"Um, Have you seen Pip yet?" He asked, walking towards their house as they spoke.

"No, I thought she slept over at yours or she was asleep in her room."

"Can you check?" He looked around the pathway, hoping to find her. But of course, she wasn't there.

"Yeah, sure." Pip's mom walked up the stairs and opened Pip's door. Her bed wasn't slept in and she wasn't there. "She's not here."

"Oh my god, She's missing." Ravi walked closer to their house. "Hold on, I'm going over there." He hung up and placed the phone in his back pocket.

As he approached the house, Pip's mom opened the door for him before he could even knock. "Come in," She said, stepping aside to allow him inside the house.

"I'm gonna call the police—"

"I tried. Hawkins won't do anything until 48 hours are up. We have to try and find her ourselves. What if she doesn't have 48 hours?" Ravi said, but immediately regretted it seeing how her mom's eyes filled with tears. 

"Um," He pulled out his phone, scrolling to his texts with Pip. "I'm not sure if she ever told you, but she had a stalker. You know, the dead pigeons and chalk figures? The speakers going off?"

"Oh my god, we should have listened to her." Leanne cried, looking over at Victor.

"She said when she was walking, her stalker left her a message in chalk on her usual path. It said 'Dead girl walking'. She didn't tell anyone other than me because she was afraid no one would believe her. She told Hawkins but he called her paranoid and basically crazy." 

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