I'm sorry. (Final Part)

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"Ravi, Daniel!" Nat called and signaled for them to follow her as she ran into the dark room, landing on her knees beside Pip's body, dropping her phone so hard that it made a cracking noise. But she didn't care.

Ravi and Daniel ran over to Nat when they heard her panicked voice. 

"Nat, Did you find somethi..." Ravi trailed off once he reached the room and saw Nat on the floor, holding Pip in her arms, blood all over the floor and soaking both of their clothes. 

"Pip." Ravi whispered, running over to join Nat and Daniel followed. Ravi immediately started crying, looking at the four stab wounds on her body. 

 Daniel's voice shook as he got up and called 911.

Ravi wasn't thinking clearly. Neither was Nat. Their bodies didn't feel like their own, they felt detached. They heard voices, Daniel's voice. But it didn't sound like words. Just muffled noises. Their eyes were filled with tears and they couldn't see properly. It's like they were stuck in time, they weren't aware of their surroundings. It felt like everything was spinning and the whole world was stopping around them. The only thing that brought them back to reality was the sound of sirens in the distance, getting closer and closer. Nat didn't even notice, but the police had gotten there and so had Jamie. The world around her or Ravi didn't feel real. The paramedics had to hold Ravi back meanwhile they took Pip away. Jamie held Nat close, comforting her, even though he himself was crying.  One of the Paramedics wrapped a big white bandage around Pip's wounds, and applied pressure to it. She tried to save Pip, along with the rest of the team. Ravi was just staring, too much in shock to do anything.  But It was no use.  The paramedic sighed and nodded to the other, saying something Ravi couldn't hear. She got off of Pip, and asked the other for something. It all happened so fast. Ravi, Nat, Jamie, they didn't understand. They couldn't comprehend it fast enough.

"No—No, wait what are you doing?" Ravi stepped closer towards Pip, but they stopped him.

"I'm sorry."

"Stop, You can save her. Please. She's alive, I know she's alive. Just let—"

"It's too late." The woman said, and Nat broke when she heard it. "She's gone, I'm sorry."

"No. No, You're lying." Ravi shook his head, tears rolling down his face. "You're lying." He whispered, more to himself. Trying to convince himself this is all just a bad dream, and that he'd wake up and Pip would be okay. But It wasn't a dream. This was reality.

And the reality was that Pip was dead. She wasn't coming back. Just then, it sunk in. Ravi collapsed to the floor, sobbing, just like Nat and Jamie. Then, Hawkins arrived. 

"This is your fault!" Nat got up and screamed at Hawkins, her face was stained with tears. "You had SO MANY chances to save her, but you NEVER did!" 

"Nat, don't." Jamie whispered and held Nat tighter, preventing her from lunging at Hawkins.

[A few days later...]

They were all wearing black, standing in front of Pip's coffin. Everyone there was a mess. Especially Ravi. 

"I'm sorry." Ravi whispered to himself. "I'm so so sorry, Pip."

Then, someone walked in. He had a black suit and boots on.  It was Jason Bell.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Jamie looked up at him. Nat was absolutely furious. 

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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