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*clack clack clack*

I was fixing the messy proposals written by the people in higher positions than me...with higher pay at that.

Once again today I could feel an intense glare directed towards the back of my head. It was Mr. Gillan. Somehow he had refused the biggest office on the floor and chosen to find a more suitable replacement right behind my desk.

Maybe he had heard me call him a [redacted redacted] behind his back or he just knew that I sucked at my job and had to find evidence before he could fire me.

As soon as it was break time I got up and rushed to the break room. Mr.Gillan had brought six dozen donuts for everyone in the office. Somehow from my favorite spot. I guess that was his one redeeming

"Which one first" I mumbled. Somehow Mr.Gillan had followed me here...

"You like sweet things?" He asked in his deep and cool voice.

I stared at him raising an eyebrow and replied,

"Well, not particularly but can't let free food go to waste."

He chuckled at that response. Huh...didn't know that was in his range of emotions.

"Well eat as much as you want, those are the perks of having the CEO in your office."

He had moved much closer and was looking me up and down from the side of his eye. Almost like a predator scouting its prey. I still didn't understand whether his fascination with me was good or bad, but it made be curious.

"And you? You don't seem like the kind of person to enjoy eating donuts dipped in pink glaze with heart sprinkles."

"Well I'll try anything that other people seem to you"

Pffft! I couldn't help but laugh, he was looking at me like he wanted my approval or something.

"How openminded of you" I smirked at him. He stared again but a little differently like he wasn't expecting that.
I took my donuts and went back to my desk to eat them. I didn't wanna chit-chat with the CEO any longer than I had to. Still, he wasn't as intimidating as he seemed.

Jake tapped his fingers.

After that little encounter I didn't see him for much of the day. Must have some important CEO meetings to attend. Liam was beside me and kept talking about how rich the CEO was and how he had completely 180'd his parent's dying company transforming it to the mega corporation it was today.

I didn't really buy the whole story with how much Liam usually exaggerates but I entertained the idea.


*shuffle shuffle*

It seemed like the manager and CEO were returning from their meeting with the floor below us. Now I wasn't one to fall for looks but he looked pretty damn sexy in that navy suit. I had to slap my face to come back to reality.

"I didn't just think that" I repeated trying to convince myself I didn't care about anything that had to do with him.

I guess he caught me staring because he flashed a smirk in my direction. Ugh I was reminded at how much arrogance he exuded when he interacted with anything. He may have better social skills than I thought but then now I have to assume he was a total player.

That was my queue to get the fuck out and go home.

Shutline Office AUWhere stories live. Discover now