Chapter Ten; Enemy at the gates

Start from the beginning

Katana glanced up in annoyance. Kakashi sat lazily on a branch, his back against the tree trunk, reading his copy of Make-Out Paradise yet again. It was disgusting how he could read that thing so casually when his team was preparing for what could probably be their last moments. He didn't seem too bothered that the one team he actually took on to train after years of failing all others might not make it back alive. Though Sasuke and Naruto were doing better, there was another to consider — the third and, in Katana's opinion, the weakest member of the team. Speaking of which...
A kunai shot out from a bramble bush on her left. The maiko caught it deftly and immediately threw it to her right. Once the weapon was gone from her hand, she hurled a poisoned needle as soon as the pink-haired figure jumped out from her poorly chosen hiding place. The needle struck Sakura in her flat chest, an inch above her heart. Kakashi hurriedly leaped down to check on his student when she collapsed, yet by the time he reached her, she'd already lost consciousness. The boys noticed the commotion and ran up to their sensei.

"Sakura!" Naruto yelled when he saw her pale body on the ground. "What happened? Is she okay?"

"Calm down, Naruto," Kakashi shushed him. "Let me examine her."

Sasuke crouched down beside his teacher and pulled the needle from Sakura's chest.

"The tip is poisoned," he observed after scrutinizing it. "I can't make out with what, though. It's colorless and odorless."

Naruto reeled around to Katana, eyes wide with shock. "You poisoned her? What the hell is the matter with you?"

She met his angry gaze but didn't offer a reply, rather keeping her perfectly poised position in the tree's shade. Her serene calm angered him further, and he turned away. 

"Kakashi-sensei, is there something you can do?"

"Well, judging from the quick effect and the person responsible, I'd say it's a distillation of the Pieris flower." Kakashi's uncovered eye drifted up to Katana. "I assume you have the antidote with you?"

"Of course." Katana gracefully rose to her feet and took a tiny vial from underneath the white obi that complimented her green floral kimono. "No more than three drops under the tongue."

She handed it to Kakashi. Sakura woke up after a few minutes, her pale skin now a sickly green, and she retched the entire content of her stomach out. Naruto pushed Sasuke away so he could hold her hair and stroke her back. Seeing her friend's affection for the undeserving, obnoxious girl made Katana roll her eyes and avert herself. 

"I suppose we best call it a day." Kakashi sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Katana and I will take Sakura to the hospital to make sure she's fine. You boys go on home. You'll need plenty of rest for tomorrow."

"What?" Katana's head jerked back. "You're joking, right?"

"No, we're really taking Sakura to the hospital."

"Not that! What's this about tomorrow? You can't seriously expect them to still compete in the Chunin Exams?"

They all frowned in confusion, except for Sakura, who looked as if she was about to faint at any moment.

"Why wouldn't we?" asked Sasuke. 

"Because you're not ready," said Katana crudely. 

"Kakashi-sensei believes we are," said Naruto. 

"Teachers can be wrong too, Naruto. You and Sasuke are still out of sync despite your daily training. You can barely remember the hand signs for the simplest Jutsu and lack discipline, and you, Sasuke, are too careless in your attacks, choosing Fire techniques when there are alternative options that won't drain your chakra so quickly. And don't even get me started on Sakura. I was aware of every single thing she did to lay that pathetic excuse for a trap without even trying."

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