1. The Surge

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Dark, grey, murky waters surrounded the two tails that swam fast through the Outer Banks's waters

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Dark, grey, murky waters surrounded the two tails that swam fast through the Outer Banks's waters. Slowing down once they were getting closer to shore, the two surfaced.

After glancing at their surroundings, Rikki spoke, "We should get back, the waves are getting too rough with the storm coming in."

Bella nodded. The girls submerged back under the water and carefully swam back. Rikki was far ahead as Bella had gotten sidetracked admiring the new underwater scenery. The high winds changing the sand beds. She noticed a bit of commotion coming from the surface not too far from where they swam.

She looked up to reveal three familiar fins of a surfboard gliding through a wave. Her brows furrowed at the thought of anyone surfing in this weather. Next thing she knew, something else broke the surface. A person. The brutal waves tangling him with them and pulling him under. The leash of his board almost acting as a rubber band being pulled and snapping back harshly, hitting him hard in the head, knocking him out cold.

If Bella were not holding the air in her lungs, she would have let out a gasp as she instinctively swam towards him. Before she could get much further she felt a tug at her fin. Looking back, Rikki's light blonde locks came into view as she shook her head at her. Bella only swam forward once more, ignoring her and helping save the boy from drowning.

The forceful waves still dragged his body before Bella got ahold of him. She attempted to steady him a bit, grabbing his face in her hands. She pressed her mouth to his blowing the last of her air into his lungs. She pulled back, admiring his face and features for the first time. His long brown locks, tanned freckled skin, his drowsy brown eyes.


Bella snapped back to reality before he could see her and pushed his body up to the surface. Once he was afloat near his board, she swam away quickly.

"What the hell are you doing? I thought we were heading back," JJ paddled up beside John B as he panted trying to keep his hold on his board.

"You wipeout or what?" JJ questioned again.

John B still did not answer as he was dazed and lost in his thoughts. Only for his thoughts to be interrupted at the glimpse of a boat coming into their view.


"Are you crazy? Why on earth were you guys all the way out there when there's a literal hurricane going on?" Emma scolded her two friends after they had entered back in to the home they all shared.

"You told her?" Rikki crossed her arms looking to Cleo.

Cleo raised her hands up in her surrender. "Hey, she got it out of me, and besides it's not like I told her you guys were swimming." A look of realization hit Cleo as Rikki now glared at her.

"Swimming? Do you have any idea how dangerous and stupid that was?" Emma yelled at the two blondes standing before her as Cleo scratched the back of her head.

"Hey, we made it back didn't we? Have a little faith, I think we can take care of ourselves by now." Rikki spoke moving past Emma and to the kitchen.

Emma sighed, "And Bella I thought you'd know better than this?"

Bella nodded, "I know, we really thought we'd be back before it got worse out there, sorry for worrying you guys." She twiddled with her fingers looking down as she spoke.

"Can we just all agree to stick together, meaning we always let each other know what's going on. I mean we don't entirely know what to expect living in this new place. Like where it's safe, or who to trust.." Emma spoke to the three girls who nodded in agreement.

"Yes, mum, of course, mum, whatever you say, mum," Rikki teased under breath earning a glare from Emma.

"Of course, Em. I'm gonna go finish unpacking." Bella sent the girls a small smile before heading to her new bedroom she'd be living in for the time being.

She sighed as she plopped down onto the blue bedding, lost in her thoughts. Something about him was just so familiar. She just couldn't put her finger on it. Apart of her was starting to think she's crazy where as another wouldn't let it go. She was too curious. Bella's eyes lingered out her bedroom window at the storm, as her mind wandered.

"I'm starved, what are we having for dinner?" Rikki asked as she opened and looked through the refrigerator.

"I got us a few frozen pizzas at the shops and a few other things," Emma reached into the freezer pulling out the pizza and setting it on to the counter.

"I'll preheat the oven," Cleo chimed in as she turned on the oven.

"There's some drinks in the fridge too," Emma added as she gestured to the top shelf behind Rikki.

Just as Rikki pulled out the bottle of soda, everything went dark. The hurricane had caused a power outage.

"Oh no," Cleo spoke.

"Well, looks like no pizza for us," Emma sighed and walked to the nearest cupboard looking for any candles or flashlights.

Rikki smirked staring at the frozen pizza that Emma had recently taken out of it's box. "Not to worry, dinner's on me tonight," She spoke as she raised her hand over the pizza, slowly curling her fingers into a fist, heating the pizza to a perfect temperature until it was fully cooked.


John B spent the rest of that night scouring his dad's office. He combed through the many papers and folders his dad kept until he finally came across what he was looking for.

He held the brown leather journal in his hands before he opened it. He slowly turned the pages as he remembered back to when his dad would constantly be writing in it or looking through it.

As he flipped through the beige pages he finally found the page his mind was set on. He traced his fingers over the drawing. The drawing of a particular fluke covered in scales. The same thing he swore he saw when he was surfing the surge.

John B didn't sleep much that night, as he spent the majority of it in his thoughts or skimming through his dad's journal for answers. Though the journal did not have anything in regards to the drawings. The other drawings being some sort of rocks or crystals beside the fluke.

After his long resettles night John B woke to the sights of the hurricane's damage that was left behind. Deciding to put aside his wonders for now.

"Yo! JJ, you been outside?" John B asked as he exited his room.

John B walked out of his chateau with JJ close behind. They took in their surroundings, the hurricane had hit pretty hard.

"Agatha did some work, huh?" JJ asked when he saw how the hurricane left the cut.

"Yeah she did" John B sighed and went to check on the boat.

"So whatcha thinking?" JJ asked John B.

"I'm thinking that storm surge pushed all the crabs out on the marsh maze. All those drum are going to chase the crab" John B said.

"What about DCS? Wasn't that today?" JJ asked.

"It's okay. They are not getting on the ferry" John B told him


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