it starts with us

Start from the beginning

"he's.... better. we talked a bit today, that's something, right?"

Yeonjun feels his airway closing as he fights off the sadness filling his heart when he thought about what Taehyun must've gone through. he didn't tell them. he couldn't. at least that's what he said.

he doesn't want to re-live it.

"what did he say?"

Soobin thought for a few seconds, his hand wandering around for something to do so that the air won't feel as thick as it feels right now.

"he said he's ready to eat dinner with us today... and that he's sorry for shutting off, but that he can't seem to let go."

"but it'll be okay thought, right?" Yeonjun asks, and something about his anxious tone worries Soobin as well.

"it'll take time. we knew that we had to wait..... " Soobin calmly explained while caressing Yeonjun's jaw in hopes for it to relief some of the stress he was feeling.

"it's already been two weeks." Yeonjun said while his head lowered to rest on Soobin's shoulder.

"we all miss him Hyung... we just have to wait a little bit more."

just a little more.


it's nice. that's the first thing that comes to his mind.

the covers provide him warmth, and he doesn't want to get up. so he lays with his eyes closed for a few more minutes, just enough for him to recharge.

he's calm.

that's the second thing he notices. there's no tension. there's no fear. no pain, no urgency.

he moves under the covers, his hand coming to rub his sleepy eyes, but something tugs on it, and with his other hand he rips it out. feeling how the action leaves small drops of unknown liquid on his finger.

the smell of chocolate finds its way over to him and he hums in delight. his hands move to push the blanket away from his face, and travels around his body, meeting with a weird fabric coating most of his upper back and chest.

one eye opens, his vision's too blurry, but he sees brown and light blue. he takes his time going from laying to sitting, and he opens another eye. the set scan the overly clean room in awe, they widen, taking all of the warmth in. he's on a full sized bed, filled with warm covers and pillows, on the right there's a window the size of the wall and it shows the view of a beautiful sea surrounded by houses just like this one. on the left side there's a chair looking thing, but it's wider, and it looks softer then the chairs he knows.

he takes off the covers, his eyes go to scan the bandages on his torso, going all the way over his shoulders and down his lower back. with shaking legs, he makes his way over to the window, his jaw falls at the sight of the blue water, and the waves clashing into one another while the sun sets, leaving streaks of warm, golden sunlight through the window and it hits his eyes in the most calming way way possible. and he takes it in. his legs feel weak after a few minutes and he plops down in front of the window, letting the golden hue color him while his eyes close.

he doesn't notice when a tear or two escape his eyes, and he doesn't notice when he hugs himself tightly. or when the door opens, and a big eyed boy in standing at the entrance.

a glass shatters and a yell is heard from downstairs.

the big eyed boy stands there, his eyes only widen further as he pinches himself to check if what he sees is his reality.

without much warning. the boy tackles the one sitting next to the window, knocking them both on the floor. someone bursts into tears, and one's shirt gets stained as they continue to lay on the floor, wrapped in each other's arms. both not wanting to let go.

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