Chapter 11: War Has Been Declared!

Start from the beginning

"But I still find it hard to believe that he lost."

"He went into cardiac arrest during the fight, so it could be said that he lost. But…" Ulquiorra looked straight at Garl's face. "I don't think you came here to chat."

"It's Hector kadagra." Garl spoke softly and his cheerful expression changed to a serious expression. "I have some reliable information that Hector came to Magnolia on a regular basis."

"And do you know why he came to this town?"

"No. But whatever the cause, I'm sure something bad is about to happen. There's nowhere Hector hasn't been that catastrophe. Believe it."

"Is he really that dangerous?" Ulquiorra raised an eyebrow in astonishment.

"You have no idea. For four hundred years, the Golden Circle Council has tried to put an end to that man's actions, but to no avail. Except that he is capable of mastering all kinds of black magic, Hector is a very clever and cunning man. No matter how clever you are, he will prove You say he's smarter than you. And worst of all, he's unpredictable."

Ulquiorra remained silent. He had never met that man Hector, but he would be careful if he did, after all, this man had managed to outwit his enemies for four hundred years, of course there was a good reason for that.

"I'll keep that in mind." Ulquiorra finally answered.

"Great! Anyway, when are you coming to the village? The chiefs would like to meet you...and Rosemarie too..." Garl said the last sentence with a slight grumpiness, not seeming to welcome other men near his daughter.

"I will. But I have a few things to do first." Ulquiorra spoke softly before looking at the briefcase near his seat. Today he will go to pay the last installment of his debts and be free.

"May God protect you." Garl spoke before cutting the connection.

After a few minutes, Ulquiorra paid for the food and walked out of the restaurant. In order for Ulquiorra to pay his debts, he has to do the necessary procedures only with the people who gave him his position; Goldmine, bob, Makarov. But since Blue Pegasus and Quatro Cerberus are far from Magnolia town, Ulquiorra will head to the nearest available location, Fairy Tail.

[Amigo, do you think it's a good idea?]

'Yes. All I have to do is hand over the money, sign some papers, and leave.' Think Ulquiorra.

[For a gloomy man like you, you are thinking in a very optimistic way. Did you forget what you did three days ago? What do you think would happen if I went to them? I wouldn't be surprised if they attacked you.]

'I did not forget. Maybe they will try to attack me, but Makarov will definitely stop them.'

[Why do you think he would side with you against his 'children'? If my memory serves me well, Makarov is the person who has been hurt the most because of you.]

'True, but he knows very well how many dire consequences await him if he takes a wrong step. He may be opposed to the actions of the Magic Council, but he is subject to their laws.'

[As you wish, Amigo. But don't cry when that old man breaks your bones again.]

Ulquiorra shrugged his zanpakuto. When he approached his destination, there was a crowd of people, Ulquiorra giving it no heed. Perhaps it was one of the usual fights between all of the Fairy Tail members or a sparring match between two, after all, the Fairy Tail guild wasn't a quiet place.

But when Ulquiorra reached his destination, he knew his guess was wrong.

[What the hell?]

At first glance, Ulquiorra thought the building had been replaced by another building. The building appeared to be the same height as it usually was, but it seemed that many large objects giving a column-like appearance were sticking out of it, iron pillars. Furthermore, several large stretches of broken wood appeared from the points from which large objects were sticking out, giving the impression of some sort of attack.

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