chapter 8 ( in the cards )

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Angela and lori mange to get her outside while the doctors work on zac


Fatima : I can't do this the man I love is fighting for his life ,an it's all because of me i no i shouldn't be saying i love him we just getting to no each other but I can't help how I feel ,I can't do this I can't

Lori : T zac is going to be okay he's gonna pull through

Fatima : U dont no that u saw what just happen in there

Lori : No matter what happens we are going to get trough this ,but we all no he's a fighter he's not going out like that ,so think positive Tima

Fatima : I no am supposed to be strong for him but i can't lori ,this isn't how it supposed to end when we haven't even started yet

Angela : Tima i no your hurting I can't say I no how u feel neither can I say i understand because I dont but u dont have to hold ur feelings back, if u wanna  scream just do it ,if u wanna cry till u can't anymore do it ,U don't have to hold your emotions in  we are here for you

Fatima feel to the floor screaming and crying ,there was nothing lori an Angela could have done they just hug her while she cry and they was crying too ,30 minutes later fatima was asleep from all the crying and screaming ,lori just hold her and cry silently while she say a prayer for zac ,she couldn't bare seeing her friend like that

Just as fatima feel asleep on lori her parents ,brothers ,jake,Preston an nate All walked in all together

Jake: how is he ,what did the doctors say

Angela : he was stable for a while but his heart stop beating, so they are working on him

Marcus ( T dad ) : How is she doing

Lori : She not good she blames her self ,she just cry herself to sleep

Faith ( T Mom ) : I told her stop blaming her self ( sad ) she really likes him huh?

Marcus: okay let's calm down and wait on the doctors to come give us an update

Fatima wake up 15 minutes later from a pounding headache, she try to stand an talk to her parents but then she fainted

Lori : Hellllppppp T wake up ( crying)

Faith and Marcus rush to there daughter but before they could do anything the doctors came running over to fatima.....they rush her to the emergency room

20 minutes later the doctor came out to give them an update on Fatima

Doctor Niles : hi am doctors niles she's gonna be okay she's just dehydrated and her blood pressure is very high she needs to rest ,but she should be good in a couple of hours ,we had to sedate her so she can rest casue she wanted to leave the room

Faith: ( sight ) thank you so much doc but what about zac nobody is telling us anything

D Niles : His doctor should be out shortly to give u guys an update


Hi am doctor Manni Mr Taylor doctor. Where is Mrs Taylor.....Fatima parents look confused

Lori: She fainted the doctors had to attend to her so she's sleeping they had to sedate her so she can rest

D manni: okay am sorry to hear that but Mr Taylor is gonna to be okay we manage to get his heart beat back ,after Mrs Taylor shouted " zac baby don't leave me you promise" i don't no if it was a miracle or the sound of her voice but his heart starts beating stronger than it was before we could do anything.His organs are working just fine and his lungs are functioning well ....He's off the machine he's breathing on his own we manage to removed the bullet ,but he got a long recovery from the swelling on his brains he might have some memory lost but only time will tell but he's doing better than he was 4 hours ago and from our last CT scan which we did 5 minuts ago the swelling is going down so ill keep u posted

Everyone in union : thank you so much doctor manni

Jake , Nate an preston all run to zac room to see him while the others went to see fatima before going to see zac

3 hours later fatima wakes up calling for zac , she wanted to leave the room but she remembered how it went when she try to leave the first time so she decided to press the bottom to call the nurse ......2 minutes later the nurse comes in

Nurse katty : hello Mrs Taylor is something wrong

Fatima smile when the nurse cal her Mrs Taylor but decided to go with it

Fatima: Yes i would like to see my husband Zachary Taylor ( smiling )

Nurse k : sure let me get the doctor

The doctor came in check her pressure and ask how the headache .she told him she was okay so he grant her the okay to see Zac but she still gotta rest ,which she agree too

The doctor takes her to zac room and she was a bit relieved to see him off the machine but had a concerned look on her face

Fatima: How is he doing doc

D manni : I Don't think you should worry about that now remember you are still in recovery I don't need u fainting again

Fatima : Am fine doc I promise I just wants to no if he's gonna be okay ( a tear drop falls )

The doctor explained zac condition to Fatima which broke her heart cause he might not remember who she is but she was happy hes okay an in recovery....the doctor left to give them some privacy but before he leaves fatima ask .....When will he wake up? Can he hear me?

Doctor manni: well he was sedated but he should be waking up anytime soon its up to him ,an as for him hearing you yes he can hear you

Fatima : okay ( holding his hands )

D manni : I'll give u guys some privacy just press the bottom if you need me ...he left out

Fatima  walks up to zac an place a soft kiss on his lips and whispers ( I got you am here )

Fatima pulled her chair next to zac and hold his hands

Fatima: I no u probably can't hear me but am so sorry for bringing you into my drama I promise I'll explain everything too u when ur awake ,an I'll understand if u don't wanna see me anymore ,But am glade ur doing okay I don't no what I would have done if u had left me I no we just getting to no each other but today made me realize that I dont wanna go another day without you . Am sorry for the way I left when Karen said she was pregnant with your baby ,if am being honest I was hurt we was just getting to no each other and I was about to tell u how I really feel then that happen an i just taught that was god showing me away out an I do what I does best I run ,I couldn't get my heart broken zac I do genuinely care about you so much and I promise I'll be here for you every step of the way ." Tears falling softly . Please wake up so we can start our life together I can't wait to hold you and tell you how much I love you and I hope you feel the same way I do

Zac:( I am listening to you and i do feel the same way ,am not going anywhere an neither is you I can't wait to hold you he cry secretly on the inside )

Fatima got up an went inbed with zac she laid her head on his chest and listen to his heart beat 5 minutes later she was fast asleep...zac mange to move his hands and pulled her close and hug her while they both sleep

Meanwhile back in the waiting room everyone decided to go check on Fatima,but when they got to her room it was empty they rush to the nurses station in a panic...they ask for doctor manni but he was on his way to check on zac when he sees the family about to have a panic attack

D manni : is everything okay

Lori : We went to check on Mrs Taylor but she wasn't in here room

D manni : well she ask to see Mr Taylor and I took her to him but that was 2 hours ago she should be back in her room

They all went to zac room and what they saw when they open the door , was touching they saw fatima sleeping on zac chest with his arms rap around her they all sight a sign of relief an just smiled and leave out the room the doctor decided to left them an come back later to check on him

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