CH1. The Beginning of the End.

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A clock ticking. A TV playing somewhere in the distance. Where were you? In your house, of course. Now, who were you? Well, you could be anyone you want to, really, no one would care much. But, still, I guess I could tell you. You're a 19 year old college student. You've lived on your own ever since your parents' deaths, but hey, at least you inherited a pretty big fortune. Plus they were kind of annoying.
(you're rich wooo)

Your electronic clock read 2:34AM. Well, time is relative anyway, so instead of going to sleep, you decided to watch some Youtube. Good choice.
Just as you were about to leave a hateful comment on some Minecraft Youtuber's video, you received a Discord notification. You exit Youtube and open the forbidden purple app. You scroll past the dozens of weird guys in your messages and identify the source of the notification. The groupchat with your three best friends, Enya, Miles, and Droopy, whose real name was Richard, but no one called him that since it was a stupid name. Enya had sent a message.

coolfunnysmartgirl (Enya) : Guys!! I found something super cool.

bigpersonalityman69 (Miles) : Go to sleep dude.

mynameisrichard (Droopy) : Hi miles

bigpersonalityman69 (Miles) : Hey~

coolfunnysmartgirl (Enya) : Does no one care about what I have to say?

You typed a quick reply: 'I do'.

coolfunnysmartgirl (Enya) : great so listen I was looking around on Reddit

bigpersonalityman69 (Miles) : LMFAO girl

coolfunnysmartgirl (Enya) : shut up so anyway. I found this abandoned hotel that's supposedly haunted or some shit and it looked cool in the picture so I googled it and it's like 30 mins away from us!!

mynameisrichard (Droopy) : we can go tomorrow?

coolfunnysmartgirl (Enya) : Yea that's what I was thinking, is that good with everyone?

You replied : 'That's fine by me as long as Miles doesn't bitch about it as soon as we get there like he did when we explored that abandoned house.'

mynameisrichard (Droopy) : He was just scared don't blame him!!

bigpersonalityman69 (Miles) : Shut the fuck up I wasn't scared. Tomorrow is fine since I'm not busy making money like I usually am, unlike the rest of your unemployed asses.

Deciding to ignore his comment, you ask the group chat: 'Where do we meet?'

coolfunnysmartgirl (Enya) : well i was thinking miles' place since he lives closest to the forest and the quickest way is through it, is that alright?

bigpersonalityman69 (Miles) : that works, be here at 11:30 everyone

mynameisrichard (Droopy) : I'll be there at 11 ;)

You closed the app right there since you didn't feel like getting traumatised by your friends tonight. Noticing the time, you decided it would probably be wise to get some rest before you go out.

The night was an opaque promise of impossible possibilities. You threw yourself on your bed and closed you eyes, slipping quietly into a world beyond your comprehension. Good night.

Well spent extra vacation days - Seek x Reader.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt