Chapter 2

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" don't want to come?" Oliver asked after he took a few steps inside the barrier. His eyebrow narrowed forming a form of a slightly upset expression. Oliver never really had any friends, the only friends he could call were his cousins or any other family member which he rarely met, the boy had lived his entire life with his family. Even-skipped school for the sake of it. He thought that the other figure would also come with him past the broken barrier since he assumed that they came through the same path too.

"I am afraid not, friend. T would be delightful to join thee, I am sure. But I hath chosen to not follow thee yet." The diamond-colored eye spoke to the other. Those words seemed to have convinced the other that it wasn't going to be a sad separation. The last bit of sentences made Him think for a moment. "... I understand." He slightly nodded once. "But.." a word of continuation was spoken with the same voice "would you like to meet again sometime? Maybe we can meet each other at that same tree again?" He remarked on an idea. It would be nice to have someone to talk with every day, well maybe doesn't have to be every day.

"Sure!" They smiled happily, illusions of soft pink flowers were drawn all over them. It was only a sight that the golden eye had imagined. He doesn't mind it, it radiates certain energy of joy that he hasn't felt in a while after all the burden that his older sibling has given him. Need to say, he was happy only knowing that he could have a friend he can greet once in a while.
"That's great-!" He cheered raising the volume of his voice a bit too loud than how he usually speaks. was nearly cut off by a sound of a shout from his older sibling "What took you so long!?" Oliver quickly faced the familiar voice and figure with a shocked expression, he looked at the bag making sure it was filled with flowers. It was so sudden, he was unsure of how to react. The older figure soon approached and gripped their younger sibling by their wrist. "All I ask was for you to gather flowers while I was busy with our family works. I have my problems too you know! Were you just standing there and doing nothing?? We got better things to do let's go!" Rambling and rambling as the two members of the same family walked away at a fast speed. Oliver wasn't even given a chance to bid goodbyes as he watched his newly found friend further and further away.

As they both arrived home not too long after. The grip loosened and the older sibling finished their rambling and went back to focus on other things that they have to find more important than dealing with their little sibling. Oliver was deeply upset at the older figure, as he fed the horses at their private stable. The feeling of burden had flowed through him again, he was back to being a life stock. Nothing but one of the labor workers if he had to be honest. His chest felt heavier, as he thought about all his sorrows one by one, he was once caught up with himself once again by being an alone servant for his brother.

It doesn't matter how much time has passed. The feeling of unfairness and the treatment he was getting made him feel rather depressed. It wasn't supposed to be this way. It shouldn't be, it could be better. But it never was. If he could wish for anything it would have been freed. He had thought about a lot of things, even to the point where he gave himself an existential crisis without knowing that it is what it is.
A sudden gentle pinch on the shoulder brought back his senses. "You hear me now?" A young maiden had asked, it's possibly not the first time the same thing had occurred. "Ow, yeah yeah, I do..." he spoke tilting his head down a bit. It's only habit that he always faced slightly down to show respect to anyone older than him. Either that or he felt guilt towards himself.

"Yo-Hio wanted me to inform you that you can have a week of break from now on." The maiden spoke, and the way she pronounced Yohio was a bit funny that Oliver just had to let out a giggle. "M-miss I think you meant to say 'Yohio' not Yo! Hio!" He joked, putting a smile at the maiden. The maiden soon widen her eyes in realization and giggled along "ah, pardon me. I sometimes messed it up!" She closed her eyes and smiled awkwardly. "Well I wish you good luck, tomorrow must be a good day for you!"
"It is! No work for a week doesn't just happen usually!"

The maiden had walked off and Oliver quickly turned around before going back to his usual expression. A face of disappointment and emptiness. 'Even if I get a day off I'll still be nagged like usual...' he thought, going back to his usual state of talking to himself. That went on and on until he somehow was reminded of Len. He had forgotten about the promise he had made of meeting with the other. Thankfully a day hasn't passed yet, but he felt even more guilty over the fact that he had forgotten a promise he made. That's a really poor move to do.

finally finishing his work at the end of the day. he quickly rushes up all the daily basics he usually does clean up, has dinner, trying not to get nagged by his brother, and goes to this room. despite how he was treated his bedroom seems like what you expect a prince to have. tomorrow he has decided to go back outside that barrier once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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