Just Coworkers

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Y/N's POV:

Today's the day, the day I've wished for my entire life. It's my first day with the Behavioral Analysis Unit. It's been my goal ever since I joined the Bureau. Well, mine and my ex-best friend's, if I could even call her that.

Truth is I don't know what she was. She was just... complicated. I try not to think about her but starting our dream job today. I can't help but let my mind wander back to the good days.

I gave up on my dream after she left. I quit following the BAU's work, I used to know every member. I guess I'll get to know them now.

I choose each piece of my outfit precisely, finally deciding on a dark blue long sleeve and black slacks with black heels.

After making sure every part of my appearance was perfect I leave for the office.


I make my way to their floor and stand outside the glass doors. I watch people make their way around the bullpen busy at work. Am I ready for this?

"Hi, can I help you?" I hear a soft voice speak from behind me.

I turn to find a woman, slightly taller than me, with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Uh yeah, I was wondering where I could find SSA Hotchner's office."

"Oh you must be the new agent. My name's Jennifer Jareau but everyone calls me JJ." She reaches out her hand. I take it and give it a firm shake.

"I can take you to him, just follow me." She smiles while walking through the glass doors.


"No problem, so you didn't ever tell me your name."

"Y/N." I answer not feeling the need to tell her my last name or title. I have a doctorate in psychology but I don't mention it often.

After walking up a few stairs JJ stops in front of a door. "Well, welcome to the team Y/N." She says before knocking on the door.

"Come in." The man calls from inside his office.

"Agent Hotchner, pleased to finally meet you." I say while shaking his hand.

"Please, call me Hotch."

"I hope you're ready to jump right in, I was just informed that we have a new case." He says walking around his desk.

"Yes of course Agent Hot... Hotch." I smile trying to remember to be less formal.

"Right this way, you can meet the team before we debrief."

I follow Hotch to their debriefing room, and everything is exactly how I imagined it would be. Maybe this really will be everything I dreamed.

When we arrive, the entire team appears to already be seated.

"Everyone, this is our new agent Dr. Y/N Y/L/N. She transferred from Sex Crimes." Hotch announces.

"You've already met JJ, this is SSA Derek Morgan, SSA David Rossi, Dr. Spencer Reid, and our technical analyst Penelope Garcia." He introduces around the room.

"Doctor? We've got another genius huh." The man introduced as Derek Morgan jokes.

"Hardly, just dedicated." I answer.

"What's your doctorate in?" The other agent with a doctor title questions. I believe he said Dr. Reid.

"Oh um, psychology. What about you?"

"Mathematics, Engineering, and Chemistry."

"Woah." I marvel. This guy must be the genius Agent Morgan referred to.

Hotch clears his throat before speaking again. "We have another member of team, who appears to be running late." He looks down at his watch.

As he does I notice movement at the door.

"So sorry I'm late..." Her eyes lock with mine.

It can't be.

"Emily." I strain.

"Y/N." She looks at me with shock, but also with what appears to be a hint of sadness or guilt.

"You guys know each other?" Agent Morgan questions.

I don't answer because I feel like I'm paralyzed.

She speaks up, "we used to work on the same unit, way before I came here."

That hurt. I don't know what I expected her to say, but for her to not even acknowledge that we were friends. It hurts.

"Yep, long time ago. Can we go ahead with the case?" I rush trying to change the subject while taking a seat next to Dr. Reid.

All eyes in the room go from me to Emily, sensing the tension. Nevertheless, the technical analyst goes ahead explaining the case details.

Our case has to do with women abducted in Montana. They're sexually assaulted and then stabbed. I guess my experience in sex crimes will actually be of use.

"Wheels up in 30." Hotch announces before leaving the room.

I gather up my files and follow behind him. "Sir I was wondering about a desk?"

"You can put your stuff on that empty desk." He says pointing into the bullpen.

I wouldn't have time to set anything up but I needed a place to put all my stuff.

I go down and place the box on the empty desk. Then, I analyze the desks surrounding it. One is full of books top to bottom, that must be Dr.Reid's. The next has pictures of a blonde haired little boy. That must be JJ's, he looks just like her.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching me.

"Y/N can we talk." Emily's voice rings in my ears.

I turn around trying to keep my composure.

"There isn't anything to talk about. You left and stopped talking to me, end of story."

I try walking away but she gently grabs my wrist to stop me.

"Emily can we please not do this right now." I say tears trying to escape my eyes.

"I just want to explain." She pleads.

"Explain what, explain how you conveniently got reassigned after sleeping with me." I shout as quietly as possible. Anger fills every inch of my body, ready to explode.

"It was just bad timing, I didn't mean for it to be that way."

"Sure you didn't, I'm done.... For the sake of the team could you please just leave me alone. Coworkers, that's all we are."

I storm away as fast as possible so she didn't have time to stop me.


Emily's POV:

A few tears involuntarily fall from my eyes as she walks away.

"I miss you." I whisper low enough so she can't hear me, because I just needed to get it out.

I never thought I would see her again, but I always think about her. Seeing her brought up more feelings than I ever imagined.

"Emily." I hear from behind me.

"Morgan, what's up." I smile turning to face him. Making sure to change my demeanor quickly.

"Is everything okay?" He asks concern in his eyes.

"Yeah, everything's fine. We should get going, don't want to be late."


A/N: First chapter of my Emily x Reader story! Hope you all like it!

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