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    I met up with the boys at the car

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I met up with the boys at the car. "Where's the witch?" I asked them.
  "She left the circle." Dean grumbled. "She got what was coming to her." He slammed the trunk closed. "I need a beer." He said as they walked to their doors of the car. I rolled my eyes and hopped into the car.

  We pulled into the bar's parking lot. We all got out at the same time and headed inside. The smell of pool tables and bourbon tingled my nose. "I'll buy the first round." Dean said as he walked straight to the bartender.
  "I should be buying. You won the bet." I chuckled.
  "Technically we both did."
  "Okay, then next round will be on me." The bartender handed us our drinks. Sam and Dean sat down next to some women that were gawking at them. I huffed and took my beer to a different table, not noticing that Dean was watching me.
   As I sat there I picked at the label that was around my beer bottle. "Y/N." My eyes left the bottle and to a pair of blue eyes. I looked around to see if anyone was watching.
"Castiel." I said as His head tilted before he sat down.
"What's wrong? You seem, sad?" His uncomfortably straight posture made me roll my shoulders to sit properly in my chair.
"Im fine." I took a gulp of my beer. "Shouldn't you be hanging with Dean or be running around in heaven or something?" I looked over to the brothers who sat at the bar talking to a brunette and a blonde.
"I thought I would come talk to you." I looked at him confused.
  "Why?" I asked taking a sip.
"Because you are alone." I almost spit out my beer.
"Jeez thanks Castiel." I laughed. We stared at each other, "Sorry for punching you."
"You have very light punches, I barely felt it."
   "Well I'm not used to punching men from heaven." I mumbled in defence.
  "I'm an angel, not a man." He said aloud.
   "Cass!" Put my hand to his mouth as he continued to talk about it. The bartender came back around and handed me shot glass of tequila. I gave her a smile before taking my hand off of his mouth. I furrowed my eyes,
"From the man at the bar." I looked past her and saw Dean smiling as he held his drink up before downing it. I picked up the glass and let the strong liquor burn down my throat. I looked forwards at Castiel who was still staring at me.
  "You okay there Cass? What's with the staring?"
  "Nothing." He said, before getting up and walking away.

I went around to look for Dean but he was no longer on a barstool. Sam was left there talking to the brunette by himself. I expected Dean to be with the pretty blonde but Instead I found him playing pool In the corner alone.
    He had taken off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. I watched as all the perky women gawked at him and walked past to get his attention. I was surprised to see that Nothing was getting his attention, he seemed zoned out.
I slid out of my chair and walked over to him. "Got room for one more?" He forest green eyes looked up at me as I stood in front of him.
"Sure, you remember how to play?"
"I do, sorta." I grabbed the other cue stick as Dean held it out for me. "But I'm still terrible at it." The comment earned a chuckle from him.
"I'll help you out." Dean started the game and sunk in three of his balls. I walked over to the white ball and lined up. I felt Dean come up behind me, his hand pressed on top of mine, "Just a little more to the left." His breath brushed against my hair as his chest and groin pressed into my back. His hand slid onto my waist which made my heart start to race. "Now hit it." I pulled the stick back carefully before hitting it hard.
I watched as the ball went in. I walked over to the side, Deans eyes never leaving me as I moved. I bent down and hit it again, sinking another. Then another. "You suck at it my ass." He joked.
"I played in a lot of bars. Won a lot of bets and got a lot of money out of it." I said as I sunk another one. "Guess I am good at it." The ball was now over where Dean was.

   After I finished kicking his ass in pool we got back to the room. Dean and I stood outside of the room for a few moments. He was looking at me while my back was to the door. "What?" I asked him. He took a step closer and he raised up his hand to my face. He brushed his callused thumb against my cheek. My body instinctively leaned into the simple touch of his thumb.
I watched as the cool air froze his breath when he parted his lips. Before I knew it, his lips pressed against mine. I tensed up at first, but then melted against his soft lips. My arms held onto his torso as his stayed on my face, running his hands through my hair.
  My back hit the motel room door as he guided me into it. His hand travelled its way down to my hip and grasped it to pull me closer to him. I moaned, allowing him to slip his tongue against my lips and into my mouth. I moved my hands to his hair and ran them up his neck to his scalp and gently tugged it, causing I'm to groan with pleasure.
He pulled away abruptly and backed up. "I'm sorry." He said. "I shouldn't have done that."
  "No it's fine." I faintly smiled, disappointed it was over so fast. Dean coughed nervously as he wiped his nose with his thumb.
"We should probably get to bed. Long road ahead of us tomorrow." He said. My dropped from its surprised state and I turned around and unlocked the door, pretending it never happened.
   Sam must have left before us because he was passed out on his bed already. Dean and I quietly walked around the room, trying our best not to wake the big moose. I went to the bathroom and changed into my pyjamas. I left the bathroom and crawled into the bed as Dean pulled off his boots before sliding in. He laid down and faced me, we stared into each others eyes before I yawned and closed my eyes. I felt the bed shift as Dean turned over to face the other way.

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