Chapter 1

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Akita's P.O.V.

   As they made their way through a group of thick spruce trees, Akita pranced around as if she was top dog. Although she was little over five months, she still was at the top of the food chain being that her mother was the alpha of the pack. Her and her brother, Kenai, had been born in the hottest part of summer, during which time there was a horrible drought. From the beginning their mother had tended to favor Akita. Akita was bigger than Kenai and from the day she was born seemed to be more sturdy and stronger. Kenai was clumsy and always wandering in the wrong direction.

   Now that they were able to travel with the rest of the pack, Akita made sure she stayed right next to her mother’s side. She planned to grow up and follow her mother’s footstep in becoming the alpha of the pack. A few days before the caribou had began to move west to the winter-feeding grounds. Akita’s mother, Naomi, had told her and her brother to stay close because many of the neighboring packs were desperate for food and a weak, little puppy was a great opportunity for a quick meal for a starving wolf.

   As Marche, the packs second to best tracker, pointed out a strange sign that meant that Akita’s pack wasn’t the only pack following this particular group of caribou, Akita noticed that Kenai was beginning to act strange. His ears were drooping and he was looking skinnier than usually. She figured it was because the whole pack had not had a lot of food in the past few weeks and with that thought she continued walking alongside her mother, never once realizing that her brother was growing weaker with each step he took.

   Akita knew she had to not worry too much about the others until she was older, she was still learning how to track the elk and worrying would only slow down her learning process.

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