"La'Kiesha, stop talkin' ta' him like that." He said in a serious tone, "stop fuckin' lyin' on me and tellin' him that shit. I didn't eat ya pussy, I could barely even stand up that night because you drugged me. I couldn't even see who you were at first," Kashmir paused to shake his head. "Part of me knew that it was you though." I raised an eyebrow, then how did he know that it was her?

"Then how'd you know it was her?" Kashmir stopped moving completely as he suddenly went into a trance. He sighed heavily and shuddered as if something bothered him, "she did the same thing to me in High School." Once I heard that, I wanted nothing more than to get up and beat her ass but I couldn't for all of the obvious reasons. La'Kiesha smiled before rolling her eyes and chuckling and I turn my face up into a scowl, she steps closer to Kashmir and out her hand on his right shoulder, caressing it.

"Bae, yeen gotta tell errbody how I snatched you up." She smiled, I quickly stood up and pushed her hand off of him. What the fuck? This bitch was mad bold to do this shit in front of me. She scoffed and looked down at Kashmir. "So you just gon' let this gay ass nigga put his hands on me? Yo baby's momma? The creator of yo seed?" She asked waving her finger down in his face. His jaw tightened at how close she was. He's keeping his cool better than I thought he would be because the old Kashmir would have swung on her already regardless of the fact that she's a female.

"Stop talkin' ta me fore' I get mad." He said simply. "I'm not even- nah we not even sure that this kid is mine for real. I still need that dna test." I nodded in agreement because while there was a pretty good chance that Kyior was his son, there was a slight possibility that he might have been. Think about it, if she's done this before then she has no shame, so why hide Kyior for two years if you've been trying to get with Kashmir since High School? That part made no sense to me.

"Oh whatever. Be a man and take care of your responsibilities. Maybe if you reacted quick enough, you could have snuffed the little ingrate before he was born." My mother said from the other side of the visiting room. "After all, I almost made Hasaan do it but unfortunately it was too late and we had to settle for giving the baby up for adoption." She shrugged carelessly. Kashmir stood up from his squatting position ran his hands down his face.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop bringin' that bitch around me?" He turned towards my mother and waved her off, "Nah, yo crawl back into whatever hole you came out of and get the fuck from round' me." He said eerily calm.

"Oh trust me, I would have kilt em' if he wasn't Kash's baby. But since he is," La'Kiesha cheesed, "I had to show ma baby some love." I curled my lip up in disgust, certain people didn't deserve kids and I'm not trying to be rude but there are people out here that don't have kids and wish that they did or have lost their children and yet people like La'Kiesha are given that blessing. It kind of made me wonder about what type of parent I would have been if I wasn't forced to give my daughter up at birth.

My mother ignored La'Kiesha and pursed her lips, "Hmm...it's funny that you mention crawling back into the hole I came out of when you, a criminal, have to live in a prison cell which I heard is like living in a hole." My mother smiled and Kashmir's eye twitched.

I regret asking her to drop me off, I should have known she would follow me in.

Kashmir ignored her and made his way over to the guard who stood there quietly and tapped him on the shoulder. "Take me back to ma' cell fore' I spazz out on this bitch." My mother let out a loud cackle, "You see officer? This man does not deserve to be let out, he's so violent. He's even hurt my son before but of course my son wouldn't tell you that because he's afraid. Kashmir Perez-Garcia has instilled that fear into my child and I want to file a domestic violence suit against him for abuse resulting in the infant death of his and my sons child as well as child neglect for La'Kiesha's son Kyior." My eyes bulged out of my head as my mother continued to talk, I couldn't believe her.

Kashmir has never ever hurt me, well..just once but we vowed to never speak about it. It was when we first started seeing each other and my dad had already had a conversation with him about his anger. It was in the past and didn't need to be talked about again.

"He also forced my teenage son to give up their child at birth..see, aren't you seeing a pattern involving children? He shouldn't even be allowed to see the child that he does still have. He's already caused my son to lose two of his." My mothers gaze then shifted from Kashmir onto me and her smile slowly dropped into a smirk. She knew that everything she was saying, the guard would relay it back to everyone else and cause this to be a whole big thing. Before Kashmir could open his mouth to say anything, the officer guard began to take him away.

I let out a shaky sigh and my mother turned to look at La'Kiesha and they shared a look. They both smiled at each other before my mother winked at her before saying..

"This is it, sweetheart. We've got him."

SOOOO what y'all think about this so far?

i hope that you enjoyed it! <3

do ya'll think that kyior is really kashmir's son?

what do y'all think of La'Kiesha?

do y'all think La'Kiesha was wrong for hiding Kyior for two years from his father?

do y'all think hasaan should be upset with La'Kiesha or Kashmir? don't forget that she drugged him. 👀🫣

what are your thoughts on hasaan?




ANYWAYSSSS, how are y'all? next update will be limitless or lotus.

I love y'all! ❤️

miya ♥︎

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