Childe/Tartaglia: I don't want to be rivals anymore.

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"Hah~ as much as I love Paimon, I needed some time to myself."

 I say with a relaxed sigh as I get changed into the dress Lisa sent me, Paimon staying with her for a week while I took a break from adventuring and commissions in Liyue. Letting my hair out of its bun, I pull the sides back in two intricate braids, pinning them in place as I bring the rest of my curls forward, looking at myself in the mirror with a smile, twirling slightly in my new dress. 

"Lisa was right, this dress is stunning on me... How she got my exact measurements are beyond me. Oh well, time to head out before the festival starts."

 I say to myself, grabbing my coin purse and fixing my necklace before leaving, locking my hotel room behind me and putting the key in my purse at my side before heading out. Walking around Liyue I smile as people hang up lanterns, kids running around with sparklers and paper lanterns, giggling as the smell of fried foods fill the air and I take a deep breath in, letting out a relaxed sigh, smiling brightly. Walking up the steps of the pavilion I smile as I watch the happy couples and laughing kids, enjoying the festival and I notice Xianling at a stall, cooking something and I walk over to her.

 "(Y/N), is that you?"

 Xianling asks as she notices me come up and I give her a smile. 

"Hey, long time no see huh?"

 I say and Xianling comes around from the cart, pulling me into a tight hug that I quickly return. 

"It's been too long, girlie! Come on, I've got a few new recipes for this festival that you have to try!"

 Xianling says, dragging me over to a table near her stall and I giggle softly, she was as excited as ever when it came to food. Xianling sets her hands on my shoulders, forcing me to sit and I laugh at her excited nature as she runs off to the stall, bringing over a large bowl of what looked to be noodles with sliced beef and mushrooms, a fragrant smell coming from the bowl, and a plate of her famous jade parcels and I smile softly, pulling out my coin purse.

 "What do I owe you?"

 I ask and Xianling shakes her head quickly, motioning for me to put my wallet away. 

"It's free this time, as a thank you for always bringing back some new ingredients for me on your missions. Enjoy the food!"

 Xianling says as she rushes back to the stall and I giggle softly at her, putting my purse away and grabbing the chopsticks, taking out some of the noodles, meat and mushrooms into my smaller bowl with some of the broth, taking a bite and smiling, it tasted amazing. Eating quietly I watch the festivities, smiling at the dancers and the music in the center of the pavilion, boxing up what I couldn't finish and I set it in my bag for tomorrow, seeing as it was my first night off. 

"Bye Xianling! Thanks for the amazing food!"

 I call to her, Xianling waving for a moment before going back to her cooking and I walk around the vendors and people, looking at certain trinkets that caught my attention here and there when I see a merchant from Snezhnaya and I walk over to her stall, looking over her wares. 

"Ah~ young lady, someone as beautiful as you must be looking for a new bracelet to compliment that lovely outfit you're wearing!"

 The young merchant lady says, motioning to a small stand of different bracelets and I give her a small smile, my cheeks flushing softly as I shake my head. 

"Thank you for the complement ma'am, but I'm not really that pretty."

 I say softly before noticing something next to the bracelets and I point at it gently. 

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