Author's Note

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I have quite a lot to tell you guys since I haven't written in ages so just letting you know, I am alive, but I'm sort of busy. Sorry for not posting in a while!
Second of all, hope you guys had a great new year!
Thirdly, I may have confused some of you by changing my name from SweetSweetCoffee08 to Superache08. So just want to let you know I have changed my username.
Lastly, I am still working on Things Change, but, as I said before, I am fairly busy. I am not cancelling the story anytime soon as I know people love it very much, and when I updated regularly, my story managed to reach first on the "Alchemists" tag! So thank you so much for your love and support!

Things Change |albedo x sucrose|Where stories live. Discover now