Bonus Chapter- Albedo's POV

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I had been sitting in the waiting room for hours. I just wanted to apply for a job at the Monstadt Lab of Alchemy, Mathematics and Science. Hmm. Maybe there were other people waiting? I shrugged this thought off and crossed my legs over, tapping on my leg repetitively.

Well, I hadn't seen this place before. Until I saw this generous girl, with green short hair and glasses, giving food to children. I thought she was really kind. And smokin' too. Whoo!

So I may or may not have followed her home. I'm no saint, okay babe?

Just then, a woman walked in. She was wearing a purple witch hat and witchlike clothing. She was carrying a clipboard.

"I'm here for Mr. Kreideprinz?" She asked, peering at everyone.

"I think that would be me." I replied, getting up. "And I'd rather you call me Albedo."

The woman blinked at me before carrying on. "The Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, Jean Gunnihldr, wants to see you."

I followed the woman into a corridor and into a small office. I really hope I get this job!

Author's Note
Hii everyone! This is the author. I would like to thank the following people:
I_Eat_Fl0wers for providing me with some advice on the fanfic!
BallzIn_YoJawz for voting on my story and being the first person to vote!
Thank you!

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