As if to prove my point, her phone started vibrating on her bed. Keshi glanced down at it and a fresh trail of tears fell down her cheeks. She slumped down, face buried in her palms, and broke down.

I hesitated before taking a step toward the bed. Easing beside her, I lifted my hand and slowly placed it on her shoulder. I half expected her to shove it away. When she didn’t, I ran it down her back.

She glanced at me. “Is something wrong with me? You are a guy, tell me what you find lacking. I need to understand why Kevin left me for my best friend.”

Her ex was the right person to clarify that last statement. But I wasn’t about to tell her that. Not when her gaze was so desperate behind those glassy eyes. “There is nothing wrong with you. And as a guy, I’d say Kevin was crazy to let you go. You are beautiful, passionate, genuine, fun, and have an amazing voice.” The side of my mouth curved. “You are a terrible dancer but a guy could get used…”

Her lips crashed on mine…soft and urgent. A primal desire lit inside me and for the first time I felt the attraction that Reece had insisted on. I wanted to kiss her back. I wanted to taste her lips…just a nibble. But not now, not like this, not when she was vulnerable.

“K-Keshi.” It took everything inside me to push her away.

“Oh, God.” She quickly got up and walked across the room. “I didn’t mean to do that. I don’t know what came over me.” She covered her face with her palms. “This is so embarrassing.”

“You are hurt and not thinking straight.” I got up and took a step towards her. “How about we forget this last few seconds happened,” I said, even though I knew the emotions Keshi had woken up inside me weren’t something that could easily be dismissed.

She lowered her palms and flashed me a weak smile. “I’d appreciate that.” An awkward silence followed.

“What are you going to do about Kevin?” I finally asked.

She let out a sigh. “I don’t want to talk to him.”

“How about a text? Let him know you’ll talk to him when you are ready.”

Her gaze distant, she began chewing on her soft lower lip. Finally coming to a decision, she said, “I’m going to do that.” She found the phone and ran her fingers across the keyboard. “Done.”

“Let’s hope that makes him stop.”

She nodded. “Isn’t it pathetic that I’m still pining over Kevin?” she said bitterly. “He ghosted me for six months, I should have gotten over him by now. All I wanted was to know why he wasn’t answering my calls, and now that I do, I can’t seem to move on.”

“It’s not. There is nothing wrong with holding on to someone you love. Especially when you didn’t have closure. And you can really move on when you finally talk to him.”

“I know,” she said, sadly. “This vacation was to help me forget him and what happened, even for a few days. It’s clearly not working.”

“How many more days will you be staying at Blue Palms?”

“Five.” Her eyes narrowed. “Why?”

“How do you feel about safaris?”

“I went to Masai Mara in high school and I’ve always wanted to go on another safari. That’s if I save enough cash.”

“Reece, Lacey, and I are going to Tsavo National Park, join us. That way, you can have an indulging activity to help you forget him. You won’t be alone and I’ll get a chance to keep an eye on you.” I beamed. “Make sure you don’t drown yourself in tears if he calls.”

“I can’t afford it.”

“Everything is paid for. You won’t have to spend a penny.”

“I-I don’t want to impose.”

“Reece and Lacey wouldn’t mind. And think of it this way, you will be saving me the torture of being the third wheel.” Plus I didn’t want today to be the last time we ever see each other, not after what transpired earlier.

“Ummmm…” She did that lip chewing again. And when she smiled, I knew I would love her answer. “O-Okay.”

“Great.” I rubbed my palms together. “Be ready by nine,” I said, making it for the door.

She nodded.

Clasping at the knob, I turned to glance at her. “The walls are thin so don’t think about crying once I’m gone.”

She smiled. “I won’t.” With that promise, I was out of her cottage.

My next stop was in front of Reece and Lacey’s door. After two urgent knocks, I stood back and waited.

The door opened a few seconds later and Reece peeped from the tiny space. “Not a good time buddy.”

“Keshi will be joining us tomorrow.” I quickly said, not wanting to keep him longer than necessary and not giving the images of what I might have interrupted to settle in my head.

“W-How did this happen?” He opened the door a little wider.

“Whoa,” I took my eyes off him. “I don’t want to see your assets.”

He chuckled. “You’ve already seen my assets.”

“I’m on vacation. Save this show for when we get back for the season.”

“You haven’t answered my question.” He called after me as I made my way down the hallway.

“I thought this wasn’t a good time.” I teased. “Lacey would be wondering what’s taking you so long.”

“Fine. But I’ll get my answer the moment I wake up.”

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