Chapter 12

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Allison's POV

I've never been so afraid in my life. Chris was now looking straight at me as I was standing over the dead body spread across his bedroom floor. "Hi" He shuts the front door and walks towards me as I try my best no to show him how scared I was. He loved fear. I was not about to give him what he wants. "I'm not going to explain anything to you, okay? I felt alone and needed some comfort so I went out and found someone to comfort me. As you can see things kinda got out of hand." He chuckles. So this is who he really is? Just a murderous, psychopath who feeds off other people's fears. If he thinks he's going to scare me, he's got another thing coming. "So, do you need any help cleaning up?" My question caught him off guard. "I mean you can't possibly do it all on your own can you?" Since I knew where everything was, I went into the kitchen to get some cleaning supplies. I first washed the walls, floors and all the furniture that was covered in blood. Chris lifted put the body in a black body bag. Of course he has a body bag, what murderer doesn't? It took us an hour to clean everything up and carry the body into the trunk of his car. While we were cleaning, he'd quickly glance at me thinking I wouldn't notice. Probably looking for any signs of fear or weakness. He obviously failed.

It's another quiet drive to his grandparents' cabin and I weirdly enough feel a bit happy. Am I wrong for feeling like this? A part of me wants to run away and never see Chris again, but then again there's also a small part of me that wants to explore the world he lives in. I want to see the world in his eyes. Walk in his shoes. Maybe then I'll understand why he does what he does. "I'm sorry" he's been quiet ever since we left town. Hearing his voice makes my body weak. "I know I said I wouldn't do it again, but I couldn't help myself."  Is he honestly trying to emotionally blackmail me into forgiving him again? If this is the game he wants to play, let's play. "I know this is who you are Chris. I'll always support you in everything that you do." No amount of arrogance or nonchalance could hide the shock and disappointment written all over his face. This man doesn't care if I forgive him or not, he just wants me to fear him. Well I don't, not anymore.

We arrive at the cabin and head out to find some firewood to start the fire. The first time I did this with him I felt scared and ashamed. But now, I feel an adrenaline rush through my whole entire body. I've never done anything so mysterious before. Up till now, my life's been a complete drag. As much as I don't want to admit it, Chris made my life better. He made me realise who I really am. After getting enough wood, we head back to the car and carefully move the body to the fireplace outside the backyard. "I know this isn't the last time we're doing this." He looks up at me, his face as fierce as a lion. I just wish one day he'll let me in. Let me into his heart, tell me things he's never told anyone. Maybe then I'll fully understand why he does this. "So this isn't too much for you? I mean, don't you wanna report me to the police?" Does he really think I'll be able to go to the police now? After all I've done to cover up his tracks? And I'm pretty sure he wouldn't just let me waltz into the police station to tell them what he's done. "Too much? Fuck no. This is exciting." My voice sounds too enthusiastic. Am I really doing this? The voice in my head is telling me to stop, to just forget about Chris and run away. But I can't, the thought of never seeing him again kills me from within.

Today was a lot. After bringing the body to the backyard, I just couldn't bring myself to actually burn her, so I left and stayed in the car while Chris took care of it. "It's all done" he said as he got into the car and put on his seatbelt. "We need to talk." I say to him. "If you plan on hunting anymore victims in the foreseeable future, do tell me. I'd hate to come home to find a dead body laying on the floor again." He simply nods. I like this. I couldn't wait until he killed again. It made me so hard.

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