XXIX ; Remedy

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Back in New York, the boys hasten to retrace the path they had taken when they arrived, starting by going to set the clocks at the One World Trade Center.

The older one was dreading the height of the place and the sight he didn't even want to think about, so Hyunjin offered him to stay on the ground floor.

A few minutes later, Hyunjin comes back to the little one and guides them to the cafe where they had stopped.

The small bell is heard when the two boys pass the door of the place. The atmosphere here has not changed. It still remains so warm and pleasant, but it's impossible for Hyunjin and Minho to concentrate on it given the task at hand.

Hyunjin closes the umbrella then he and Minho start searching for all the possible clocks and dials, the tallest taking care of the one in the back room where the kitchen is while Minho takes care of those present in the main room where all the tables are.

- We're halfway through.

- I don't want to discourage you but... Are there places where the time is displayed in Central Park?

Hyunjin fixes his gaze on Minho as he pushes open the cafe door again, walking out with him.

He stays silent for a short moment to think about it and when he remembers not having seen any, he blows in a relieved way.

- As far as I remember, no.

Minho nods in response and follows the taller one, trying to catch up with him as he walks a bit faster.

- Hyun', slow down a bit, my legs aren't as long as yours.

The stopped boy turns to the brunette who joins him and he lets out a slight laugh before taking his hand and pulling him towards himself so that he too is under the umbrella.

- You really are short-legged.

The so-called "short-legged" rolls his eyes, yet displays an amused smile.

- The next destination is the pharmacy?

- Yes.

- You should treat your lips while we're at it.

- No cream can help my poor lips. However, I know the real cure.

Minho raises an eyebrow looking up at the taller one.

- And what is this famous remedy?

The two boys enter the pharmacy and Hyunjin already starts looking for clocks, without answering the smallest, who is a little impatient and obviously wants an answer to his question in order to go get what he needs.

- Hey, are you going to tell me in a hundred years??

The swarthy giggles as he prepares to remove the clock he has located on the wall behind the counter and the cash register. He turns to the confused and gives him a playful smile as he changes the time.

- Your lips.

Minho suddenly blushes, surprised by his words. He rolls his eyes a second time and shakes his head as he slips away into one of the rows for treatment, his voice still audible from where he is.

- You're stupid, Hwang!

Hyunjin laughed again while arranging another dial, this one being the last one in the place.

When Minho finally comes back to him with something behind his back, the swarthy scans him up and down with a smirk.

- You finally decided to give me my remedy?

He nods and quickly reveals a new box of laxatives he's holding in his hands.

- It's so that the shit that comes out of your mouth goes through another place.

Silence becomes king before their synchronized laughter resounds in the small pharmacy.

- You're so dumb, Lee.


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