Chapter 1: The Fall of Emon

Start from the beginning

The white dragon, breaks through the ice, breaking off a few spikes as it came crashing down into the square. Killing a few of the people.

The black dragon hovers overhead, "Get the sovereign to safety!" Vax shouts as they headed to the podium. "He's not even the sovereign anymore! We need to get to safety!" Scanlan shouts at them.

"That doesn't mean his life is any less!!" Jason shouts at him as a traumatized Kyria was paralyzed over his shoulder.

Uriel stood with his family as they looked at the hovering dragons that circled the square. "Sovereign, what do we do?" Jarett asks as he ran up to the Sovereign.

The snarl of a dragon grew his attention as they looked up, seeing a green dragon parches itself on the overlook, "Take Salda and the children." he orders and they ran for it.

But one of the guards falls to the ground, making Uriel stops and help him back to his feet. "Quickly, come!" he orders as they ran for it. "Emon shall fall!" the green dragon calls out.

And spews out poison clouds from her mouth, "Get close to me!" Allura calls out as she summons her magic into play, Salda and her children hurried as Allura summons a barrier and shields everyone close to her from the toxic cloud.

The former queen flutters her eyes open and looks out at the poison clouds around her, a guard outside the barrier pressed his hand to the barrier coughing as he was choking on the poison cloud around them.

He falls to the ground, dead she continues to look around the area and saw the face of the man she married "Uriel?" she mutters.

He coughs for a moment, the blood splatters on his hand but looks at her, seeing her and the children were safe and sound. Couldn't help but smiles at her as the blood trickles down from the corner of his eyes.

Uriel groans in pain as the cloud takes him, stealing whatever life was left in him. "No!" Salda cries out and hugs her son close to him.

Her cries snap Kyria out of her funk as she looks over Jason, seeing the poisonous cloud that surrounded the podium.

The dragon laughs as she flew overhead, passing the body of the former Sovereign Uriel.

The back dragon reels his head up to them, "Death has come for you." the black dragon calls out and takes flight. The people cry out as they tried to escape, but acid began raining down on them.

Dissolving anyone into dead half corpses that were caught under the deadly rain. The black dragon flags his wing as the acid rains down.

He then roars, heading toward the podium where Allura was keeping everyone safe.

She drops her barrier, steps forward shot out a tether. The black dragon tries to evade the tether, but he chases after him, tracking every movement he made.

It catches him and wraps tightly around him, canceling out his flight. The dragon struggles in the grip and smacks into the head tower with a grunt. But he quickly catches himself, locking his locks into the stone tower.

Glaring down at the people below him, as he frees himself and snarls at the people below.

Kima slams her hammer and sends up a bolt of pure light and it strikes at the dragon. But he just shakes it off. "Pathetic. Let me show you real power!" he shouts, taking in a breath and he spews out a breath of acid that travels down, breaking the stone apart.

Falling right for them, Allura steps up and shot her hands out as the light surrounds everyone close by and the rocks crumble onto them.

"No!" Pike calls out as she went running for them, but the rumble stops from her getting to them.

Vox Machina Book 2: Threads of FateWhere stories live. Discover now