Awkward [ chapter 16 ]

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A week had passed.
( angst ahead. ! )
Felix woke up stretching in pain, his lower abdomen and legs feeling exhausted after track yesterday. He yawned and checked the time, noticing how his Alarms hadn't woke him up.

" ah shit.. " he scrambled out of bed almost tripping over a pair of underwater, rushing to get anything on. He grabbed his backpack spraying a cologne on and fixing up his hair while rushing down the stairs.


He made it 3rd period on time luckily but he definitely missed a bunch of classes beforehand that'd he have to make up for later.

He sat down, putting a hand under his chin and spacing out while listening to the teacher.
He had been completely out of it until a sudden note appeared right by his elbow, he made sure the teacher wasn't looking and read it.

' you okay Lix? It had a small heart and worried face on the side. He looked at Han with a smile and a thumbs up, almost getting caught but he was quick enough to act like he was reading.

Finally class ended, and he made his way down the stairs putting his stuff away in his locker. He put one last thing in before shutting it tight, but as he shut it a pair of two eyes and a boy with brown grown out roots and red hair appeared in the corner of his eye.

" oh.. what's up Chan? " he looked over a bit surprised.

" so you've been ignoring me for a week and act if nothing happened. " his voice was stern, sending a few chills down Felix's back.

" whatever. " Felix rolled his eyes, if he was being honest his feelings had been confused after the incident, and it especially made him embarrassed when he thought about it. He turned his back about to head to his next class,

Chan grabbed his wrist pulling him right back, spinning him around and slamming him into his locker. " Don't ignore me. " Chans eyebrows were furrowed in annoyance.

" and don't touch me.. and ever since then it's been just embarrassment. Why didn't you stop me before I had done anything! " Felix shouted a bit, his built up feelings making him emotional as he struggled to push him away, hitting chans chest endlessly out of anger.

" calm down.. let's go somewhere else and talk about it. " Chan said as he noticed the weird stares they were getting. He pulled Felix into a abandoned locker room and sat him down as Felix just held back tears, his hand on his neck avoiding eye contact.

" If you didn't wanna go through with it why didn't you tell me.. I would've never pushed you that far if you were comfortable " bangchan had felt horrible seeing how upset lix was.

" it's not that I was uncomfortable.. " Felix looked up ready to ball his eyes out.
" it's because I liked you Chan.. I liked you soso damn much and even gave you my first time despite us not knowing each other for so long. It's hard to think about how the person I love could've only used me in the moment, with no hard feelings. " Felix sobbed wiping the streams off his cheeks.

Chans heart ached a bit.

" listen Felix.. I never said I didn't like you but it's a bit confusing too for me. I had liked you since I saw you which could've been years ago.. but since then I've lost feelings and it's weird having them all rush back to me. Just please calm down, " bangchan pulled him into a comforting hug, running his hand through his hair softly as lix hiccuped. Chans shirt becoming soaked,

" your just saying that to comfort me, I know you don't stop playing with my feelings.. " Felix grabbed chans shirt looking him in the eyes while sniffling, shaking him still in the embrace.

" It doesn't matter how many girls or boy are around me, at the end of the day I'll only have eyes for you at the end of the day. Always have, don't you know it's hard to be like a ghost to your crush for so long just for him to be sobbing in your arms swearing you don't like him? " Chan had took a deep breath, upset too but didn't cry or anything just giving him a look of guilt.

" really?.. " Felix looked up one more time, he stopped shaking him. Chan only nodding in response.
Felix's eyes went to chans own, to his nose, to his lips. Banghans eyes followed along, and nodded slightly. They connected lips, just a simple one. Nothing between their lips, but a soft and long peck, chans hands going up his jaw and his fingers going underneath his hair as Felix's hands held onto his waist, tilting his head.

They kissed as for what seemed forever, both of them savoring it and putting genuine love into the kiss at the same time. One last tear went down Felix's eyes. As he opened them and pulled away, Chan pulling away Aswell but never letting go of his face.

" does that prove my point? " Chan smiled softly.

Felix smiled back sniffling with a nod.

They hugged for a bit, until walking out the room together. Felix's head on chans shoulder as he held onto his arm.

" can we go on a date to make it official? " Felix looked up as chan looked down, smiling

" mhm, " chan pecked his forehead.

[ ♡︎ ]

It's sad but sweet.. but only one more chapter!

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