In a Mind of Chaos

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Summary: The events of Moon Knight took place in early 2012, and after Marc and Steven found out Jake was still working for Khonshu, they decided they needed a fresh start. So Layla and the boys moved to New York City, where they continued to be Moon Knight and Scarlet Scarab, and with Steven's confidence and stubborn will, they learned to work with Khonshu in a way where they wouldn't be manipulated.

However, with their luck Marc should've expected their new peace wouldn't last for long, because just a month after their move a large hole opened up in the sky over Stark Tower, and aliens began their siege on NYC. So now we just have one question left...

How does the Battle of New York change when you add in a little bit of Moon Knight?

"For the record Marc, I think this is a really, really terrible idea, most people tend to run away from the giant aliens," Steven muttered, staring up at the massive rip in the sky over Stark Tower. "I mean... aliens, Marc. Bloody aliens."

"Yeah. I know, buddy," Marc sighed. He could swear they were cursed. They'd just moved here after everything that happened with Harrow and finding out Jake still worked for Khonshu which technically means they all still work for Khonshu and--god, why is it that every time Marc tries to get a clean slate it just gets messed up worse than the last one?

At least Layla wasn't here. She was on a trip for Taweret, something about a weird metal in Africa? She didn't say much about it, just that she'd be back in a few days.

Now looking through the massive hole in the wall of their brand new apartment on the 20th floor, Marc just hoped that wherever she was, she didn't have giant aliens flying towards her through a split in the heavens.

It was the biggest thing they'd ever seen. A long, eel-like creature swimming down through the sky and between buildings, armored aliens springing from its metal hide. Even with Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor down there fighting, they all knew they couldn't just leave New York to fend for itself.

"Look alive, hermanos," Jake said, now looking down at the city below them, and the grey, shiny bodies of the aliens crawling up the side of the buildings. Marc summoned the suit and leapt out the hole in the building, a roar in his chest as he sank a dart into the fleshy back of one of the aliens. He leapt off the building and their cape formed into its crescent glider, giving them a moment to take in the scene.

"Khonshu!" Marc shouted over the wind in their ears. "What the hell are these things!?"

"The Chitauri and their Leviathan!" Khonshu replied, nowhere to be seen, but his hard voice heard clearly. "A hivemind race from a planet not of our own, the perfect army! But why they're here I do not--oh hell."

Marc looked around to see what Khonshu noticed and his eyes fell upon a Chitauri spacecraft flying past, though this one was not piloted by a fleshy grey alien like the others.

"Loki," Khonshu growled. "Of course."

"You know this asshole?!" Marc shouted, watching as this "Loki" soared through the sky. He dodged other Chitauri and explosions all the way, and his bright gold horns glinted in the sun.

"He is another god, brother of Thor and prince of Asgard!" Khonshu responded. "He's always been an idiot, but I never thought he'd be stupid enough to do this!"

"Goddammit Khonshu, why is everyone you know an asshole?" Marc muttered.

"I heard that!"

Marc ignored him and dove down, swinging his feet forward and slamming them into a nearby flying craft. He knocked the pilot from its controls, keeping it from smashing into a building just in time. However as the craft began to lose control, Marc quickly realized he hadn't really thought this plan out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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