Chapter 17

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The Doctor knew that there would be no use in asking anyone where there was civilization about the mist. No one else knew anything. And nobody would know more than him at this point.

He returned to the woods, determined to convince the mist to come out to play, to take him from the woods and possibly to where Rose was. It was a long shot, but a lot of what the Doctor did was based on chance.

Shoving his hands in his pockets, he turned in a circle, looking around at the trees and the ground. "I know you're still around in the daytime," he said. "Don't pretend I don't. I know you're listening."

He started trekking through the woods, looking for the little flag he and Rose had put up, just in case it had blown away to somewhere convenient. "You know, you're the one who found out I was a Time Lord, so you should know that you can use me for your purposes. If you let Rose go, I'm willing to help."

Silence met the Doctor's words, and he sat down, sighing heavily. He ran his hands through his hair. "I'll do anything." He said quietly.

He spent the time until sunset running things through on the TARDIS, trying to find Rose with tests that he knew were futile. This was not a way to find her, but he could do nothing until the mist would show itself.

He was afraid to move the TARDIS right to the night, because he didn't want to go too far without meaning to. Rose often teased him about his timing issues, seeing as he was a Time Lord and all, and she was right. And he didn't want her to be right just now.

So he waited it out, taking the slow path, something he never wanted to do. Especially when it came to waiting for Rose.

He had just admitted how he felt for her, they had just given in, and now this happened? Nothing could ever go well for him, and he knew that, and now he had brought Rose into it. That was something he had never wanted to do.

He kept bringing her into these things, they were always his fault, always! First the Time War, and now Rose. He always hurt Rose, and he never meant to, but why did she stay with him? He was the worst person to care for, and she had done it.

That was the moment the Doctor realized that no matter what, he could never leave her.

As the sun set, the mist swept in and the Doctor stood, trying to shove all the emotions down to speak objectively.

Good evening, Time Lord

"Good evening," the Doctor replied, keeping his voice casual. "I trust that you heard what I had to say this afternoon?"

I did. But there is no reason for me to take you in Rose Tyler's place.

"And why not?" The Doctor demanded. "What do you need her for that's so important?"

Rose Tyler has the blood of a golden Wolf, Time Lord. It's a rare and beautiful thing. She is the last piece of our puzzle. She is not human.

"What do you mean she's not human?" The Doctor snapped. "Of course she's human."

That's what the both of you think. Both of you pretend that the Bad Wolf never happened, that it was never there, but it was there, and it remains, and it keeps her heart beating.

"And that's what you need?" The Doctor asked slowly, understanding. "You need her heart?"

I'm afraid not, Time Lord, because that heart belongs to you. I want her mind.

"You can't have it. She needs it."

She is already on her way to becoming my strongest vessel. I do not need you.

"My life span is so much stronger than hers," The Doctor protested, and the mist started to stir angrily. "Please let me have her! You're the one who knows I'm alone!"

Would you rather spend a lifetime of a shell with her?

The mist's words were heavy. They meant that the mist would take him to Rose, if he so desired, but he would be put in that same position. Was it worth it? To be next to her, but a shell of his former self?

The universe would survive without him, wouldn't it? He needed Rose, and his physiology was stronger than hers. It was possible that he could save them, it was so possible, so deliciously likely that he could save her, or at least protect her. Or they would go down together. And he wouldn't have to outlive her.

He wouldn't have to be alone.

"Yes," he said. "I'd rather be a shell with her. Take me to her."

Very well. If that is truly what your heart desires.

"My heart desires a lot of things. Isn't it about time I got one of them?"

Oh, Time Lord, you've always had Rose Tyler. I can use you and the Bad Wolf. If that's the case, the others will be released.

The Doctor let out a heavy sigh of relief. That wasn't something he had expected, but it justified his actions in going to Rose just a little bit more. There were more people down there, which he knew because of Leslie's and the other's disappearances. But they all seemed much less violent than Rose's.

"You'll release them to their families?"

After I wipe their memories, yes.

The Doctor heaved another sigh.

Here is your Bad Wolf.

Rose appeared in front of him then, beaming at him. She held out her hand. "Let's go," she said, the mist turning and whipping her hair around as though she were standing on a beach.

"Rose," he reached his hand out for her and took a step towards her. She took his hand, but she was unnaturally cold. She drew him into her and pressed her lips to his.

Her lips were cold too, and her mouth disappeared under his, along with the rest of her body. He fell into a cold abyss, his only thought to be chasing after Rose.

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