Forsythe pendleton jones II "FP jones" || riverdale

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You have known FP jones since the two of you were kids. The two of you were the best of friends.

You always loved FP more than a best friend, but you never had the courage to tell him.

You stood by and watched him fall in love and had a son before he had a daughter.

You had a son of your own . he and Jughead are the best of friends. Your son s/n( son name) is a quiet and gentle soul, and yet somehow, he is a serpent.

S/n father isn't in the picture. He left when he learned that you were pregnant with s/n. Luckily, you weren't alone , FP was there for you every step of the way.

FP helped you raise your son, and you couldn't be more grateful, but it made you sad , watching FP and s/n together.

It made you wish that you and FP were together and having kids of your own, but you could only wish since you thought that you and FP would never happen.

Currently, you were cleaning up after your son and Jughead since those two were running around playing with things.

"S/n! Jug! Watch out for the doo-" You cut yourself off as you watch Jughead, and your son runs into a door.

"Ow!" Come from both boys ,"are you two alright?" You asked, trying to keep your laugh in.

"Yes, Mama," s/n said, "My nose hurts," Jughead said, cupping his nose

You walked over to him and kneeled in front of him. "Let me see, sweetheart." You gently removed his hands from his nose.

"Does this hurt?" You asked him as you touch his nose, and he nodded."It really hurts," Jughead said

"It doesn't look broken, but I'm no doctor, okay? we're gonna go to the doctor and see what's wrong with your nose, " you told him, and he nodded

"S/n go get yours and jugs, shoes," you said, and s/n nodded before running towards the front door, "and no more running in the house!" He stopped running, but he sped walked

Soon enough, you got both the boy's ready and got them in the car and headed towards the hospital.

You arrived at the hospital in a couple of minutes as Jughead started crying ,you got Jughead out of the car and carried him while you held your son's hand as you walked into the hospital and towards the nurse at the desk

"What seems to be the problem?" The nurse asked as soon as you approached

"My son ran into a door, and his nose started to hurt . He just started crying a few seconds ago, " you quickly explained

"Okay, the doctor will see you in a second," you nodded and went to the waiting room.

You sat down in one of the chairs with s/n next to you and Jughead on your lap, sniffling clinging to you.

You pulled your phone out of your pocket and dialed FP phone number.

It rang for a few seconds before he picked up

"Y/n is everything alright? Are the boys giving you any trouble? someone crying?what happened?" FP asked, sounding worried

"The boys were running around the house and ran into a door , s/n is fine but Jughead nose started to hurt, so I brought him to the hospital and now we're waiting for a doctor to check him " you told him

"I'm on my way," Fp said before he hung up . You put your phone away before pulling Jughead closer and rubbing his back, whispering comforting words

Soon, the doctor came and examined Jughead . Luckily, he only bruised his nose and needed to ice it.

So, currently, you were holding the ice bag on Jughead nose as he slept since he tired himself out from crying , s/n was sitting on the other chair watching TV.

FP soon arrived and walked into the room, looking worried. "Is he okay?" He asked, walking over and looking at his son

"He's fine. He just bruised his nose . The doctor said we just needed to ice it, " you told him . He nodded, letting out a sigh of relief.

He sat down next to you. " So.. he crashed into a door," he said."Yeah, turned my back on them for a second, and they ran into a door," you told him

He let out a small chuckle before he put his hand over his mouth, trying to keep his laughter in.

"Forsythe pendleton jones II are you laughing at your son?" You said , smiling as you heard FP laugh

"I'm sorry, it's just funny," FP said . You let out a small giggle. " it was kinda funny," you said

"Daddy?" Jughead woke up, and he sat up rubbing his eyes."Hey, buddy , how are you feeling?" FP asked

"A little better , mommy brought me to the hospital," Jughead said . You and FP noticed the slip up, but neither of you said anything.

"Is that right? Well, you should probably thank Mommy, " FP told him with a small smile

"Thank you, Mommy," Jughead said, giving you a small hug, and you smiled, hugging him back

"Mom and dad were laughing at you," s/n told Jughead

"Well, we did run into a was kinda of funny," Jughead said with a small giggle

As s/n and Jughead were talking , FP turned and leaned towards you. "Y/n," he whispered your name, and you turned to him

"Yes?"You whispered back."Let's make it official," he said. "Make what official?" You asked

"Us, me, and you let's make it official," he said, gesturing to you and him

"Like..get together?and move in together?" You asked, and he nodded "yes,..I love you, y/n, and I want the four of us to be a family, " Fp said

"Are you two gonna get married!?are we gonna be silbings!?" S/n excitedly asked

"What do you say y/n. Marry me?" FP asked

"Say yes," the boy's whispered ,you smiled and let out a small chuckle before nodding your head. "Yes," you said

FP cheered as well as the boys, and you tried to quiet them down since you guy's were still in the hospital.

You couldn't be any happier. It was like a dream come true. The four of you were already a family, but you're finally making it official.
1075 words!

Hope you enjoy !
Sorry for any spelling mistakes

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