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Song is Smooth Criminal by The Glee Cast.
This is gonna take place during the Sherlock episode The Six Thatchers, during the scene where Mary gets shot. In the HP universe, this is gonna happen before he goes to Hogwarts. He still doesn't really know about magic. He's been under Sherlock's care after being rescued from his relatives for about a month, and they already have a bond. Please keep in mind that I haven't seen this Sherlock episode in forever, so the dialogue is not at all going to match up with the episode. Please enjoy!
Harry's POV
Things have been a little crazy ever since this Sherlock Holmes took me in after my relatives were arrested for abuse. He was a detective, and he liked to solve the strange, weird cases that most people either couldn't solve or couldn't be bothered with.
Right now, though, it was late at night, and we were all in the aquarium, facing the woman known to us as Ammo, the person who betrayed Mary's squad. There was a gun in her hands, and I had a very bad feeling... I glanced over at Sherlock.
Although I had yet to express it, he was beginning to earn my trust more and more. Even though he had absolutely no tact when it came to most things, I couldn't help but think that his ignorance added to his charm. So, when Ammo, who had been pointing the gun at Mary, suddenly turned it towards Sherlock and pulled the trigger, something inside me just...reacted.
Knocking Mary back before she could jump in front of the bullet, I leaped in front of Sherlock, and exploded.
"NO!" I cried out.
It was as if a chain reaction went of. Some sort of force inside of me blasted the bullet backwards, and it hit Ammo in the shoulder, causing her to drop the gun in shock and pain. After a stunned Detective Lestrade got over himself, he went over and arrested her.
I felt rather dazed as Sherlock grabbed me and held me to him. I would normally try to fight any sort of contact, but I found myself not minding. It didn't cross my mind at the moment that I just used my freaky powers and would likely be punished. All I knew was that everyone, especially Sherlock, was safe. And that was all that mattered.
I know that this is short. So sorry about that. I hope y'all enjoyed this!
❤️Soundwave's Wife❤️

"NO!" (A Sherlock and Harry Potter Crossover) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora