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"IT's rude to ignore me." My uncle spoke in the doorway. His presence annoyed me, it doesn't usually do that. "I'm going to school." Is all I mutter out of my lips before grabbing my bag. As I swing it on my shoulder, I wasn't aware it was half-open, allowing all my things to spill out onto the floor.

He watched me with emotionless features. It made me even more agitated that he was just standing there, instead of providing the tiniest bit of help.

I shook it off.

Not even saying goodbye to him, I walked out of our apartment and headed for school. It wasn't a far walk, that's something I enjoyed. I actually quite liked my school.

It wasn't too fancy, they were lenient on the uniforms and rules. Maybe that's because it only consisted of sixty-five students.

Whatever the reason was, it was nice.

The only downside was I didn't have many friends. I was quick to notice that a long time ago, actually. It kind of stung at first, watching all the girls in my primary school make friends and have sleepovers while I stood in the corner with my stuffed lion.

Yet, once I got into middle school, those feeling shed off of me and I started embracing the loneliness. Not in a creepy way, I just started enjoying it.

Or I just got used to it.

I didn't mind not being greeted by gossiping girls in the courtyard or having to maintain a reputation to keep those friends. It doesn't mean I don't have a reputation.

Everyone sees me as the quiet anti-social girl that sits alone at lunch.

I know this since I've read almost everyone's thoughts in this place. They think so differently from me. Not trying to say I'm special or quirky or anything.

It's just odd. What they care about.

Uncle says I find it so strange because I don't care about anything.


My peers and I go through the school day, just like normal. Nothing exciting happens. No one busted into song or was poisoned.

Instead of walking back to my uncle's apartment, I lingered around town, making my way to my favorite place of all time.

The arcade.

When everyone was younger, it used to be the primary hang out spot. That changed in the past few years. For what reason? I do not know.

Anyways, the perks of it is it's mostly empty. Besides the chunky game machines in rows of course. I've noticed a few regulars, me being one of them.

"Ith! I was wondering when you would show up." Remi, owner of the arcade spoke with arms outstretched, and a massive smile. I lowered my head, acknowledging his claims. "How was your day at school? Any good?" He sparked a conversation.

I nodded, without saying a word. One thing I liked about Remi is he didn't take my quietness as a form of rudeness and disliking. He was so extroverted that usually, I would find it obnoxious, yet he blends well with my personality. Usually, he talks my ear off, liking the fact that I just sit and listen while playing PAC MAN.

"I actually got some new costumers today." He said in a lower tone than before. I tilt my head, silently asking 'who'.

He points behind me at three boys in black school uniforms, playing All World Racing, the game I usually play when I'm here. It was actually the thing I was looking forward to on my way here.

BEING REWRITTEN*𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗰𝗿𝘆━ 𝗄. 𝖻𝖺𝗄𝗎𝗀𝗈𝗎Where stories live. Discover now