The Tale Of Broken Hearts - (23)

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'You looked happy,' Alistair gazes at me. 'Much happier than you are now.'

Why are all the young children I'm surrounded by so intent on picking up on my misery?

'I probably was,' I repeat.

'Why aren't you that happy anymore?' he's shuffled closer to me and our shoulders are almost brushing. I can't help but smile at the small gesture of comfort he provides.

'Um,' my voice cracks and I laugh bitterly. 'That man and I fell out, I suppose. I don't know, but I haven't spoken to him in a while.'

He looks pensively for a while. 'You miss him.'

A sad smile covers my face and I glance down into my hot chocolate, where only the dregs remain. 'Yeah, I suppose I do,' I whisper quietly, the wind gently blowing my hair.

'What are you waiting for?' he frowns. 'Go get him.'

My heart lurches, pain kicking in because I know full well that if I went to his apartment right now, he'd open the door. He promised. 'It's not quite as simple as that, unfortunately.'

He exhales, running a hand through his flop of light brown hair. 'Why do adults just have to complicate things? If you miss him, go and see him.'

I drain the last of my hot chocolate and smile painfully. 'Maybe I will. We'll see.'

We sit in another long silence, before I finally sigh and stand up, brushing the dirt off my skirt. 'I should probably get going, or my son will wonder where I've been.'

He bids me goodbye and I smile, getting into my car and driving away.

I pick Oliver up from my parents' house and we arrive home fairly swiftly.

'Mommy,' Oliver whines, tugging on my hand. 'I'm hungry.'

I smile, walking through into the kitchen. 'Come on, then. There's a pizza in the fridge, how about that?'

He nods, yawning.

I glance affectionately at my son, laughing a little. I quickly prepare our pizza and once it's ready, we sit down in front of the television together, contentedly eating together.

He yawns again and I smile, reaching my hand up to lightly ruffle his hair up. 'I think you should be going to bed,' I comment.

He shakes his head adamantly. 'No,' he protests. 'I'm fine.'

I roll my eyes but leave him, turning my attention back to the television.

Soon enough, he's fallen asleep next to me, his soft little snores filling the room.

I tidy our plates away before taking him to bed.

Exhausted myself, I sit down in front of the TV again, deciding to just watch some trashy rubbish before going to bed.

However, my plans are interrupted when there's a banging on the door. I frown, standing up and walking cautiously towards the door.

Why didn't they just ring the doorbell?

I pull open the door just a crack to find Maddie sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall next to the door, tears flooding her pain filled face.

Immediately, I crouch down next to her, gently taking her shoulders and pulling her towards me. 'Mads,' I whisper. 'What's happened?'

'I... I-' she hiccups, sobs wracking her body. 'Bruce-' she cuts herself off, not able to finish her sentence.

I wince, squeezing her tightly. 'Come on, stand up. Let's get you inside and we can all eat lots of ice cream, okay? Then you can tell me about it.'

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