It warmed Kaeya's heart a little bit, and he quickly refocused on the archons, noticing immediately as the traveler raised his hands in the air in a defensive manner. Kaeya narrowed his eyes, clutching Venti tighter against him.

"What do you think you are doing exactly?" Morax hissed at them, the first to speak after what seemed like only seconds to Kaeya.

The eyes of the Archon, although furious, kept dancing between Kaeya and Diluc, resting on Venti for a moment before going back to the two men. Good, Kaeya thought with mirth, the Archon was weary of them.

"Kaeya?" the traveler whispered uncertainly, as if afraid he would be heard. "Diluc?" Kaeya noticed that he, too, kept glancing between Diluc and him.

Not that he could blame him, really. Or any of them for that matter, but Kaeya could only be glad they weren't attacking him and the red haired man standing by his side.

Diluc doesn't say a thing, and neither does Kaeya. His eyes only narrow further as the Hydro Archon pointed an accusing finger at him, staring at him with cold and narrowed eyes, judging him. How fitting.

"You!" she said. Kaeya raised an eyebrow. "You were the one talking with Barbatos that night!"

Kaeya only pursed his lips, feeling he was starting to understand what exactly it was the God of Justice was accusing him for. He was slightly miffed she had been listening in. Yet another point to add to the ever growing list of things he should have done better the night Venti convinced him to stay behind.

Kaeya actually scowled at her. "You were spying on us?" He scoffed, this time. "Typical."

And if only himself understood the double meaning behind that word, then it was even better. The Hydro Archon was cunning, she was sneaky, and he did not expect any less from her. This did not mean however that he shouldn't have stayed on guard. Yes, he knew she was very good at listening in on people and hiding, but he didn't expect her to listen to one of the most important conversations he ever had.

Focalors was not done yet. "He asked you to stay away, he knew what was coming," she said as realization slowly dawned on them all. Kaeya watched their eyes go wide as their gaze locked on him.

"Well that turned out perfectly, didn't it?" He responded sourly as he rolled his eyes at them, not bothering to hide it. His glare intensified just then, eyes falling directly on the Hydro Archon. As he opened his mouth, ready to say more, Diluc decided it would be a good moment to interrupt, effectively shutting Kaeya up.

"Although Kaeya did something foolish," he said as he glared again at the knight, "I don't trust our God with you either," he spat. Kaeya felt triumphant, having Diluc on his side for once. Let them say anything, he dared them. Kaeya wouldn't stay still, he wouldn't fall silent if the archons thought it would be wise to continue provoking them. All he wanted was to get Venti back to Mondstadt, away from the very people he always seemed sad when talking about.

And in Kaeya's experience, that sadness he always saw in Venti's eyes whenever the knight tried to bring up the archons, wasn't something good. It wasn't the kind of sadness that made one reminisce good times. No, it was the kind of sadness that only spoke of bad memories. And Kaeya feared he knew what was causing this pain. Who was the cause of it.

And Kaeya would never stay silent when the very being who saved his life and gave him a second chance when no one else would, was suffering. Not that he would ever admit that out loud to anyone. It was only for him to know.

"Hey, hey, guys!" the traveler screamed, successfully gaining everyone's attention. He looked frantic, as if he had been trying to make them notice him for a while, now.

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