XXVIII ; Well That Is Kind Of Uncomfortable

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- Hyun', do something. I feel like I'm gonna fall asleep and there's still a long way to go...

Hyunjin has just woken up from a short nap of at least thirty minutes. He had swapped places with Minho to let him drive. Minho had insisted and that's why he now finds himself with the steering wheel in his hands.

However, fatigue has made its way to the body of the smallest and so he asks his passenger to remedy it.

The passenger in question scans the car with his black eyes before finding the murder weapon he is about to commit.

He grabs the bottle of water that Minho used to wipe his wound a little earlier and then removes the cap to place it just above the head of the little one.

The latter, having his eyes on the road but still seeing Hyunjin's arm so close to him out of the corner of his eye, begins to frown and question the taller boy in a confused way.

- What are you doing Hyu-

Cut off by a cold waterfall flowing first over the top of his head and into his pale hair to eventually trickle down his face and neck, he blinks.

- That should keep you awake.

Minho stares ahead, silent, batting his eyelashes.

- Oh, you're wearing a white sweater, it's the perfect opportunity to take advantage of you.

Hyunjin hurries to pour some more water on the little one's chest and he screws the cap back on the bottle again, smirking.

- Damn Hyun', because of you I'm all wet!!

The cold bottled water and the spontaneity of the gesture of the youngest will have awakened him, that's for sure.

The culprit, for his part, begins to laugh frankly.

- You look delicious like that, Min.

Eventually he quieted his laughter and started staring at the smaller's body, slowly approaching him.

- Hyun', what the hell are you doing!?

- Isn't it obvious? I'm staring at your body to make sure you stay awake.

The older boy's cheeks and ears immediately flush as he opens his eyes a little wider.

Hyunjin's method seems effective.

Minho can even see out of the corner of his eye Hyunjin licking his upper lip-thus the one that is intact-as if he were a wild animal, ready to jump on his prey and devour it.

Just the thought of it sends an electric shock through the spine of the smallest and the beating of his heart accelerates. His body is also sprinkled with chills that are hidden by his completely wet fabric.

- Hyun', aren't you exaggerating a little...?

- The road will be much more interesting this way. See, I can be of great help too. I'm helping you right now! You should thank me, little ingrate.

- I'll throw you out the window.

Minho abruptly turns a corner, which causes Hyunjin to find his place in his seat in an unsmooth way. He clings to his doorknob and laughs nervously when he catches sight of Minho.

- Nice kitty kitty...



I have a mission for you.

Count how many times Minho said Hyunjin's name in this chapter... 🥴

The first person to guess wins a hug from the author LMAOOO-

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