"I like to come here a lot." He says. "Feels peaceful."

"Yeah, I can see that."

"To be honest with you, Y/n," He did get more comfortable with you since he's referring to you by your first name. Not that you mind that much. He stood in front of you, looking at the distance. "I'm not interested in training the next generation or anything but...we're birds of a feather, right? The ones who can fly, should fly." He glanced at you from his shoulder. "There's no need for Tokoyami to be confined to the ground and there's no need for you to be caged when you're flying."

All this time...He was never neglecting you in the first place, rather taking care of you with only his actions. Guild filled your chest as it tightened little by little. Maybe now it's a good time to apologize.

You sit down on the edge of the skyscraper, biting your lip out of nervousness. Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath in and looked up at him. "I'm sorry, Hawks. I should've never doubted you. And I'm sorry for yelling at you and for-"

"Woah, relax. It's fine," He sat next to you and spread out his wing to hug you with it. It was big enough to cover your whole body along with your wings. The feeling of being under his wing felt...Oddly familiar. "You don't have to apologize just because I'm a bad teacher."

"That's true, you should be the one apologizing." You joke and thankfully he laughed.

Seems you were wrong about Hawks all along. He still is not what you portrayed; he's actually even better. He's not a bad teacher, like he says. Aizawa would probably do something similar if it's for us to understand what we're doing.

Hell, you didn't realize you got faster . That's the easiest thing to point out about yourself. He's amazing.

"Can I ask you something, Y/n?" He broke the silence. When you tilted your head to look at him, though, the light reflecting on his glasses were blocking his eyes and he looked quite serious.

"Of course."

You heard the light clenching of his hand on the metal beneath you and the small part he bit on his lower lip. Is he nervous? His heart rate is getting higher, too.

"If it's not too personal for me to ask," He paused. He's starting to get you nervous, as well. "Who is Kei?"

"Oh, that," You almost forgot about that part. "Please, forget what I said today. I don't even know why I called you that."

"You..." He hesitates. "You don't know that person?"

"No. I mean, yes. I mean-" You let a breath escape. "He's my brother but I don't know who he is, where he is, how he looks or anything. I only know his name."

"You never met him?" Why is he so serious about this conversation, it's creeping you out.

"I lost my memory when I was six so," You decided to be a little sneaky, even though it's most likely not a possibility, you looked him dead in the eye and said, "He could be right next to me and I wouldn't know."

He smiles, scoffs, pats your head and you most certainly heard the "Dirty." he whispered. He...He can't be..."I'm sure you'll find him, kid."

"I hope so."

"Let's go back," He says, standing up and reaching out to you once again. "There are things that need to be done tomorrow."

You take his hand again and take off, flying towards your hotel. The flight was silent the whole time but not awkward.

The question kept coming to your head even though you tried to ignore it. Can Hawks really be your brother?

Izuku was the first one to tell you that Hawks might actually be your brother but it was too good to be true. And even now, you can't believe it because the evidence is too little to prove that theory right.

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