Chapter Eleven

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~~3rd person's pov~~

It has been 3 days and a half, Y/N is really exhausted by the travel, but they have to continue, it is not as if they have a choice, they have already left and Gaster has found out, so going back is only going to make things worse.

They try their best to not interact with anyone at all, so they mostly move at night time when everyone is asleep, and they find themselves a good place to sleep when the day comes, so basically they were role-playing a vampire.

On that night, they were sitting beside a tree after walking for 2 hours, they sighed and take off the mask, they pulled the map out of their bag and observed it "let's see..." they marked the place that they have passed through, noticing how much they walked and how much was left "ok so there are two paths to the castle, the fast one and the slow one, if I went through the first one then I may reach the castle tomorrow"

They put the map back in their backpack, they looked at the stars in the sky, they knew that they weren't real stars, or real sky, it was just how the place was built, the roof is out of stone and the stars were just gemstones, but Y/N liked to call them stars cause it reminded them of home, they layed on the grass sideways thinking of their home, 'was it really a good idea? To go down here? I didn't even know that I'd survive the fall! If I heard that someone did what I did, I'd call them crazy! Who with their full mind jumps into a cave when they have no idea what is down there or how deep is the cave? ... I just hope that mom is ok, sure she hid a lot of things from me but she did it to protect me, she just wanted me to live a normal life'

They suddenly heard a movement from behind the bushes, they quickly put the mask back on, taking hold of a dagger that was connected to their belt, they watched the bushes carefully as a small green monster who looked like a dino but with no arms, Y/N was shocked 'it is just a kid?! But it's past midnight, what is he doing here?!'

"U-ugh, s-sorry, I didn't mean to disturb your nap! Please don't hurt me!" The monster said, obviously panicked

Y/N removed their hand from the dagger, and looked at the kid "I am not going to hurt you, don't worry" they said, reassuring the child as they put their hands in front of them

"Thanks umm...s-stranger, I just thought y-you were cool, I d-didn't mean to stalk you" the monster said, looking down feeling ashamed of himself

"It's ok, don't worry about it, but why are you here alone at this hour? Where are your parents?" Y/N asked as they approached the child, he didn't seem to fear them, although they were wearing a mask and a cloak, the monster looked up at Y/N "my parents yelled at me so I ran out of the house, I don't need them! I can live on my own!" He puffed his cheek and looked away

Y/N smiled, getting a flashback of a one time they wanted to leave the house when their mother refused to play with them, although she explained that she was working on something important and that she'd play with them when she is done, Y/N was dramatic enough to run into their room, they prepared a bag and put their dolls in it then they left the house when their mother didn't know, however, they only stopped at their house's garage and fall asleep, they woke up the next morning in their bed, it was a fun story Y/N used to remember with their mom a lot

Y/N put their hand on the kid's shoulder "what is your name, kid?" They said

"Monster dad"


"I know! It's a weird name, I don't know what my parents were thinking when they gave me that name!"

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