Chapter 4- Doing better the second time round

Start from the beginning

With a big fond smile and a sweet gentleness in his eyes, the man walked over to greet his student who was raring to go. Seeing Akutagawa staring back at him with pure excitement in his eyes made a warm love blossom in Dazai's chest, knowing something he was doing was bringing the other joy, but that was also a reminder of how much power over others emotions people held, and looking around the old warehouse he was made aware of all the times he used that power badly. Currently, they stood in one of the Mafia's warehouses often used for training which Chuuya kindly got permission for him to use, but sadly this was the exact same place where he trained Akutagawa all those years ago. Out of all the places they could be saddled with, they had to unfortunately be granted here, the same place he made all those mistakes before. Just a quick glance around led to unpleasant memories flooding in, clouding his vision from reality. Memories of a demon prodigy relishing in his power over a naive and obedient kid, pulling out his usefulness in cruel and tortuous ways. Hurtful words and painful actions that followed the victim even till this day. What was done can't be undone, but there was always time to repent and heal the mistakes and looking back at the young eyes staring back at him, brimming with hope, Dazai was reminded there was no better time than the present.

"Sorry i took so long. Are you ready to get started?" Dazai asked, a cheeky smile growing on his face as his body relaxed. He was now ready to officially start this and surprisingly felt confident about it.

"I certainly am, more than ready even so don't you worry Dazai, i'll be the best student you ever had." Akutagawa promised with a bright grin and shining eyes. He had the sparkle of proud child and the enthusiasm of one too.

"Hey, easy there tiger." Dazai chuckled patting his hand on the younger's shoulder and thinking over how Akutagawa was the same as always. Some things will just never change.

"let's just start with simple things, at the beginning. Show me what you can already do, with and without your ability, and will go from there." Dazai instructed and with that they were off, the lesson formally started.

The session started nice and easy with Akutagawa demonstrating everything he already knew how to do with his ability. Meanwhile, Dazai just sat back and watched, allowing Akutagawa to focus completely on what he was doing. Occasionally, the mentor would pipe up with a suggestion or two on how the child could improve and Akutagawa always eagerly took on the advice. It was clear he was here to learn and nothing else; no negative (constructive instead of cruel) feedback seemed to dissuade him. It was quite heartening to see the boy try so hard; it was enjoyable to watch those hard eyes and the serious flash of concentration each time Akutagawa tried a move or tried to try out advice.Oh, and those cute little grumbles the young boy made whenever something wasn't exactly perfect, they just brought a smile to Dazai's face. The sweetness of the whole situation delighted Dazai because it was simply innocent. There was nothing dark nor traumatizing about this training session. It was plainly just a teacher and student working together to educate one another and grow stronger. It was something you could see in any mundane plane of life; something that shone with so much light, where no bloodshed was needed. The complete opposite of the pair's past interactions.

However, all peace and fun could not last forever and would eventually come to an end. Dazai could sense, as Akutagawa played his last Rashoumon tendril strike, that this section of the session was over and the easy part had come to an end. What came now was the teaching of something new, but when it came to new things, there was only one of great importance that came to mind. Even though it was learnt through bloodshed and trauma, in the years gone by it had proven to be one of Akutagawa's most useful assets in his arsenal. Therefore, if there was one thing he was to impart onto this child it would be the knowledge of this technique since it will aid him the most, and what is this ever so important skill? Well, it was none other than the Rashoumon devouring space, a defensive technique he had taught the same child many years in the past. The skill he taught with a gun in the face as key motivation and violence and fear as the guide for his subordinate to follow. A guide that did more harm than good. That very technique. And he was going to try to teach it once again but in a more positive approach.

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