Chapter 1- The incident

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Chuuya gazed out proudly at the scene before him; they had just completed another successful mission and now the clean up crew was tidying up the mess, while everyone cleaned themselves up, getting ready to leave. Everything was going perfectly. Akutagawa was currently filling in well for his sister, who was currently halfway across the country on a stealth mission, helping the black lizard group gather up the hostages and the targets and Chuuya was just watching like a proud father. He'd gladly continue watching over them but a soft vibration from his pocket promptly alerted the redhead that his attention was requested by someone else. Without checking who was calling, Chuuya sighed out as he pulled out his phone and instantly answered the call.

"What do you want Mackerel, you do know i'm working, right?" Chuuya asked, slightly irked at the spontaneous call but not too much because he could never be seriously mad at his husband for just calling,

"Ah a ah, calm down my dear chibi, i finally get the phone answered and i'm immediately interrogated. Where's the love in that? And before you say anything, I know for a fact you just successfully completed a mission so you have all the time in the world to chat!" Dazai playfully counted, the sound of him spinning on his chair could easily be heard down the phone,

"Ok, you're right; i'm free. i'll admit my reaction was a bit brash but it's expected to ask what someone wants when they call so, what do you want?" Chuuya repeated the question again but with a softer voice, being genuinely intrigued about what his husband was calling about this time.

"Ok good, So i've been doing some research and there's one agency i've found that doesn't ask to much about the parents belongs they can make sure they can provide a happy home so you wouldn't have to worry about your Mafia background getting in the way..." Dazai explained and Chuuya let out another sigh as he caught on to where Dazai was going with this.

About a month ago, when Chuuya had gotten really drunk, the redhead had accidentally revealed how he had always wanted to have kids but knew he couldn't with his life and situation, and Dazai instantly latched onto that. Ever since that night, the waste of bandages had been looking into different ways for them to have kids, and different adoption agencies they could try, hoping to prove to the redhead that his dream could still come true. However, despite all his worries being resolved, Chuuya kept shooting the offers down, coming up with different excuses each and every time. The honest reason why he never agreed, though he really wanted to raise a child, was that he wasn't sure they could be good parents, especially Dazai, and he knew it wasn't fair to judge his partner that way but he couldn't help it. Both of them were already fucked up enough, he didn't want to risk fucking up another child's life with their bad parenting, so he just dropped that dream and hoped Dazai would too. Sadly, his husband would not drop the matter; although Chuuya had tried his hardest to hide it, Dazai had managed to figure out the true reason his husband was running from the chance to have kids and absolutely hated that he was holding Chuuya back, so he would try to prove to his partner that they could be good parents, that way Chuuya could make a confident decision and have his dream come true. Slowly but surely, it was becoming harder for the redhead to ignore the offers and truth be told Chuuya was definitely being worn down.

"Dazai, i'm just not ready... How about we just wait a month..... fine a week? A week of no talk of this and then we can discuss it in detail?" Chuuya offered,

"Deal." Dazai quickly agreed, quite happy with the success of his past negotiations cumulating to this,

"Anyway, aren't you supposed to be working too? Were you doing this research, slacking off, instead of work?" Chuuya questioned, inquisitively. A bold smirk growing on his face, as the nervous silence on the other end spoke for all.

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