Oh god no not them

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Suddenly a DRUNK Arthur somehow finds his way into the book

I dare Allen to stay in a room for half an hour with his 1p and is NOT allowed to hurt him!

Alfred: come on now you got us lost

Arthur: s-shut up you don't know me I can fine my way p-perfectly fine just you watch

Francois: oh god not them Oliver!!!

What what is.... Oh god Allen Mathew!!!!

Mathew: *kicks Allen out the door* what is it now?

Allen: oh hell no I am not dealing with those to.

Arthur: oh hello Oliv...*hiccup* Oliver how are you

Arthur your drunk

Alfred: may we come in please I can't deal with him when he is like that

Face family: fine...


I am going to get Alfred and Allen in a room and lock them in. Let's do this.... Allen can you help me look for my bow tie that I lost him the guest room.

Allen:Fine.*heads up stairs*

*walks behind him and when Allen gets into the room he closes the door*

Allen: hey!!! Let me out of here

Alfred:hello Allen? What are you doing him here

You too have to stay it there for a half of a hour and Allen don't kill or hurt him

Allen: come on let me out I will do anything to get a way from this hamburger loving freak

Alfred: well at lest I a not a vegetarian

Allen: it's vegan I am a vegan and a vegetarian... God you should know this vegetarians can have milk. vegans can't have anything other animal products and by-products such as eggs, dairy products, honey, leather, fur, silk, wool, cosmetics, and soaps derived from animal products


Okay times up *opens the door*

Allen: I am getting out of here *trys to clim out the window*

Allen don't you dare clim out the window.

Alfred: well I am just going to take my dunking love home...

What did you say

Alfred: nothing *drags Arthur out of the house*

Arthur: w-wait where are we going... Are you taking me to your place

Alfred: shut up

That's weird.

Allen: yeah now about locking me in the room

Hey it was a dare it was a dare

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