"But Dad time is now linked to Sherry time and that Sherry seems awfully punctual," Lorelai countered.

Rory shook her head, "That is so annoying," she said as the phone began to ring.

"We have to learn to live with each other's deficiencies."

"I'll get it," Cassie offered as she walked towards the phone.

"Oh if it's Leonard, tell him I'll call him back," Lorelai called out to her.

Cassie laughed, "He is so needy," she said before picking up the phone. "Hello?"


"Oh hey Lane," Cassie said into the phone. "One sec," Cassie held out the phone. "Rory it's for you!"

Rory walked into the kitchen, taking the phone from Cassie. "Hello? What happened?" She asked as she walked into her room, Cassie close behind her. "The reverend plays handball?"

"Ew," Cassie cringed.

"Okay, I'll make the necessary adjustments," Rory told Lane. There was a few seconds of silence while Lane asked Rory a question. "My dad brought his girlfriend to my debate." Cassie stood up, taking the phone from Rory. "Hey!"

"And Lane, we now have to have dinner with her," Cassie informed Lane.

"Dinner with the potential stepmom?" Lane asked her and just hearing that name made Cassie want to hurl. "Oh my god. You have to tell me what she's like."

"Preppy," Cassie answered. "A little too eager about meeting us."

"Hey," Rory reached forward, taking the phone back from Cassie. Rory laughed at whatever Lane said, "I'll try. Bye."

"Hey, can we come in?" Chris' voice came into the house.

"Yeah come in," Lorelai called out.

"Come on," Rory said as she led Cassie out to the front door.

"Hi there," Sherry smiled eagerly at the twins. "You guys ready to go?"

"All set," Rory nodded.

"Okay, so we won't be too late, probably around ten," Sherry told Lorelai.

"Ten?" Cassie whispered.

Lorelai smiled at Sherry, "Okay, well if you wanna grab a drink after the movie, Cassie's got a list of the places that serve minors," Lorelai joked not knowing that Cassie actually did know which places served minors.

"We won't need it, I got a flask in my purse," Rory jokes.


Sherry's eyes widened, "Okay, I'm gonna need a lot of coffee to keep up with you three."

"Damn, our secret has been revealed," Lorelai laughed.

"Bye love," Sherry kissed Chris on the cheek.

"Have fun," Chris smiled at his daughters.


Cassie faked a smile, "We will."

"Bye Sweets," Lorelai looked right at Cassie.

"Bye mom," Cassie awkwardly walks out the door, following behind Sherry and Rory.

Sherry led them to Chris' Volvo, Rory getting in the front seat while Rory slid in the back. "Well this is fun," Sherry smiled excitedly.

"So fun," Cassie agreed.

Sherry looked around, a confused expression appearing on her face as she inhaled. "Does it smell weird?"

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