


Entering her chamber the youngest Targaryen slammed the door shut before she absently walked to her bed and threw herself on it.

"...we absolutely must keep a strong hold on Aemond. Because when your father dies, you, will need him the most."

Pressing both palms tightly against her ears Aemma tried to block the voice. Push away the frightening thoughts. But to no avail. Her mother's heed would not stop ringing in her head.

Unbeknownst to her, they have already been embedded into her soul.


Aemond thought it all but a singular occurrence. One of his lucky day — when one afternoon post his training, he returned to his chamber and found Aemma sitting on his bed, her tiny legs dangling as she waited for him with a plate of assortment of pastries. Most of which she forcibly fed him.

Clearly he was mistaken!

He soon realized — when it seemed to have become a routine for him to find her in his chambers every time he returned from training.

Much to his pleasure it did not stop there.

The more time passed the more he saw Aemma. Everywhere he looked, there she was! And Aemond did not mind that at all, as it was the best thing that could have happened to him. She could disturb him anywhere and it wouldn't bother him the least. For her, anything and everything would be pardoned.

She began to show up at the library and quietly sit beside him, waiting for him to finish. From there it evolved to being present while he studied with the Maesters. During this time Aemond took the opportunity to teach her how to write in cursive like him. Turned out, Aemma was a fast learner. Soon the Maester could no longer distinguish between their writing, as it looked same to same.




It soon became evident that Aemma was beginning to lose her way from Faith. Although she hasn't strayed like Aegon but if things keep up the way it is going, it would only be a matter of time until she joins him.

The fact that she would possibly have to see another one of her child go astray, left Alicent in grave distress. And when she addressed this concern with Aemond - one evening, inside her solar - he took hold of both her hands and assured,

"Do not fret mother, Aemma will not stray from Faith." He brought their entwined hands to his heart. A silent oath taken by a duty bound son.

"You have my word... I won't let her!" It was the way his single eye lit up and his face crunched as he vowed and the deep tone in which his voice flowed, showed the first signs of trouble.

But unfortunately it went unseen by Alicent Hightower. As her focus solely remained on retrieving her daughter's faith on the Sevens— a matter that was trivial in comparison to the one unfolding right in front of her eyes.




To appease his mother, Aemond took upon the duty to take Aemma to the Sept.

Every morning he collected her from her chamber after the maids prepared her for the day. Then, hand in hand they would march to the Grand Sept accompanied by their mother, Helaena and a handful of their ladies in waiting.

There had been times when their mother and older sister skipped, but never Aemond! And neither did he let Aemma.

Personally, he came to look forward to their time alone at the Sept. As it allowed his mind to delve into thoughts that he would otherwise feel awkward to think about in the presence of his mother and Helaena. In addition to that, their absence let him freely watch Aemma as she lit the candles - only part of being in the Sept she actually enjoyed. And Aemond let her light as many candles as her heart desired. Because as long as she stays occupied, he can watch her undisturbed.

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