"Anyway, this group of kids see this dead girl hanging in the cellar," Sam continued, glancing at me for a second. 

"Anybody I.D. the corpse?" Dean asked. 

"Well, that's the thing," Sam told us. "By the time the cops got there, the body was gone." He explained. "So the cops were saying the kids were yanking their chains."

"Maybe the cops are right," Dean suggested. 

"Maybe, but I read a couple of the kids' firsthand accounts," Sam stated. "They seem pretty sincere."

"Where'd you read these accounts?" I asked. 

Sam let out a breathy laugh. "Well, I knew we were gonna be passing through Texas, so last night I was surfing some local... paranormal websites, and I found one."

I hated those websites. They were always made by some random people and anyone and everyone could add and post. I wouldn't call them reliable by any stretch.

"What was it called, Sammy?" I questioned, watching Dean roll his eyes. 

Once again, Sam sighed. "Hellhoundslair.com," he stated. 

"Let me guess," Dean teased. "Streaming live out of mom's basement."

"Yeah, probably," Sam chuckled. 

"Most of those websites wouldn't know a ghost if it bit them in the pursqueeter," I joked. 

It was quiet for a second. "Look, we let dad take off, which was a mistake, by the way," Sam spoke. I sat back in my seat, not wanting to have this conversation. "And now we don't know where the hell he is." He told us. "So meantime, we got to find ourselves something to hunt."

"Sammy's right," I agreed. "There's no harm in checking this thing out, Dean."

"All right," Dean stated. "So, where do we find these kids?"

"Same place you always find kids in a town like this," Sam stated. 

A few hours later, we pulled up to some diner. Sam had done some research and found that this is where all the teens hung out at night. We might just find some more information. 

Fast forward an hour and we had talked to three different teens. We had also gotten three different stories. They were similar, but key details were wrong. 

"What was the point of coming to this place?" I questioned, getting back in the car. 

"I never said we would get good information." Sam argued. "But we know who to talk to..."

"Craig," I finished. "It was one of the only things they could agree on."

"Well, that music shop where he works is closed," Dean stated, as he pulled out on the road. "We might as well get a few hours of sleep and start fresh tomorrow."

 I almost cringed at the word "sleep". That was something I haven't been doing well with. The last few days since dad left, I have had nightmares about him. So far, they haven't been bad, or... at least not bad enough to wake my brothers. But I knew it wasn't long before they got worse and either did wake brothers or made me fall asleep on a case. Nonetheless, I nodded and Dean made his way to the nearest motel.

I got the shower last, but my brothers were kind enough to leave hot water. I hoped a warm shower would help me sleep. I stumbled out of the bathroom, seeing my brothers already passed on their beds.

I made my way to Dean's bed, crawling under the covers. I didn't want to wake him, so I didn't move to close. I closed my eyes and feel into, hopefully, a peaceful slumber. I was so wrong.

Life as A Winchester Sister: Season 1Where stories live. Discover now