XXVI ; Is It Real?

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Shocked and unable to think straight for the short time he has to save his and his friend's lives, Hyunjin attempts to step on the brake, but to no avail.

The front bumper of their car slams into the back of the car that was just ahead, immobilized and in the middle of the road.

The left side of the car takes a lot and the airbags deploy all of a sudden, but these images are the last that Hyunjin testifies to before seeing... only black.

A ringing is then heard, going from very strong to very fuzzy. The sound now seems vaguer, but when Hyunjin opens his eyes again, he can't help but half-open his mouth and let out a light breath.

Ahead of him is that same sunrise that he had been able to observe in his kind of vision only a few seconds earlier.

The colors almost seem to dance in this pleasingly beautiful and majestic sky.

His contemplation lasts only a short moment before he turns his head to the seat where Minho should be.

– Min-...Minho?

He frowns before looking down at his body.

He is no longer in the car but in a field of red roses. He flickers his eyes at where he is and raises his hand to one of these flowers.

He pulls lightly on the stem of it to pick it up and bring it slowly to his face.

Closing his eyes to inhale its scent, he feels a certain disappointment.

It has no smell.

His eyes then fall to his lower body again, but this time his arms are covered in small cuts made by the thorns of the rods he has his knees on and his arms have been rubbing against since he landed here.

– Shit...

Yet despite all the cuts and scrapes, bloody or not, he feels no pain.

«Did I get to the other world...?»

Hyunjin brings the stem of the flower between his teeth and gets up, alone in the middle of this field.

The atmosphere is good and peaceful.

He takes the opportunity to walk a bit and familiarize himself with the view.

He can't help but touch every flower he passes, occasionally damaging the skin of his fingers even more.

But he doesn't care.

Pain is invisible, impossible.

– In a world where peace reigns, wouldn't it be better to be accompanied?

A melodious but distant voice resounds in the dark haired boy's ears.

«Could it be...»

– Minho?

An amused smile forms on Hyunjin's lips as he feels this presence approach him and put his arms around his waist to wrap it.

He feels the smaller's face stick to his back as he begins to whisper his words.

– Don't you think it's peaceful here?

His embrace is a little stronger and the taller brings his hands to those of the one who is giving him this hug.

– It is... But how did I get here? And what are you doing here with me?

The brunette takes several seconds before responding, speaking more audibly this time.

– Don't die... I beg you...

The swarthy blinks remaining motionless, the silence winning him over.

– Please... Stay with me... I can't save the world without you... Without you, I'm nothing...

The silence holding its place for a moment eventually breaks into distinct sobs that gently bring Hyunjin back to reality.

Minho has his arms around him and his face is nestled in his neck. He cries hotly and begs him to come back to him, his sobs echoing in the enclosed space of their badly damaged car.

– I'm begging you Hyun'... Please...

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