# ✦ ۰ - Cafeteria.

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Kim Jooyeon held a book up in the schools cafeteria as it caught everyone's attention to look at him as they all went silent.

And the one's who did go silent, Jooyeon hit the table with a big bang, now making *everyone* stop eating and talking

“Guys,” he said with a sing-song “We have a diary” Jooyeon mocked although interested in what was in it

“Page number one. ‘Hwang Hyunjin, I had a crush on him since 2nd grade!’ Wait- when was this? Oh! 10—.. years ago? Wow, impressive.”

The people in the cafeteria bursted into laughter, “Wait, I'm not done yet,” Jooyeon cleared his throat as the cafeteria went silent again “Ah, ‘He is sooo hot! But he likes, Girls.” Jooyeon mocked a angry voice on the ‘Girls’ part, Which once again made a reaction

The whole cafeteria gasped, One person stood up from the far end to say something

“Even if he did like boys, that guy isn't getting any chance!”

The cafeteria spoke their agreement in continuing their conversations but now it as about the diary and how the guy isn't getting a chance, Until Jooyeon quiet everyone down

“I know right, But unfortunately, whoever this guy is— wait.. It's signed- It is” Jooyeon said with a smug smirk on his face

“READ IT! READ IT! READ IT!” People Chanted

Jooyeon cleared his throat “Ahem, I mean I don't really want to call anyone out it's ju— HAN JISUNG.” Jooyeon pointed directly to a table

The cafeteria went silent, Everyone looking right at the boy who was sitting at the table with only 3 people while trembling with his head down.

— Jisung’s POV —

And there it was, My name being yelled by one of the bullies in this school.. They bully no one else, But 𝘔𝘦..

I didn't move, I didn't even breathe, I just shook rapidly..

calm down jisung, Everything will be okay!— Hyunjin isn't even at school today. We'll have to deal with him Tomorrow, the whole school will talk about this.. I'll just transfer—

Foot steps?..

Tud Tud Tud

It sounds so quiet, did everyone leave—

A hand grabbed my hair and yanked it downwards, My head was facing upwards towards the ceiling, Until someone blocks the vision of the tiles on the roof


There he was.. The crush he's had for the longest, no one else can make him feel all warm inside like he does

“I'm going to kill you.”

But he was also the person who made his life a living hell.

With one swift motion, BAM, his face was smashed onto the table he sat at, His eye brow split and his nose bleeding, and his glasses broken

“Don't EVER talk about me in that way, EVER again.” Hyunjin screamed and then, He and his friend group walked away.

Jisung sat there for 10 seconds trying to figure out what even happened

𝘙𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘙𝘪𝘯𝘨

The bell? Already? ‘Han Jisung, Come to the principal's office.’ Oh? Oh.. Please No.

# ✦ ۰ - My Bully.Where stories live. Discover now