Someone To You

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(NOTE: Happy Valentine's everyone! I really had fun writing this chapter so I hope you guys enjoy this chapter too! And yes, welcome to the Fluff Arc of A Homecoming. <3 )

(PS: Oh, and if you like this one, please leave a comment. I love reading your thoughts too!)


Like most mornings, Haein made his way to the surf shop that Lisa owns to get the surfboard he's been using for the past couple of weeks. Since that morning he decided on joining the girls in their routine surf sessions, he's been regularly spending early mornings with them. Usually, he was joined by Jisoo who lives just outside Angkan, in his morning walk. But this morning, he woke up extra early, to talk to Lisa.

"Good morning! You're early. I've just about to bring out the boards." Lisa said, shuffling through her bag for the keys to her shop. Haein tagged along, pausing to lean on the doorframe as Lisa unlocked the shop. One look at the guy and she knew something was up, but Haein isn't like Jisoo who she can bully for information, instead she waited for him to open up.

"Can I carry the boards for you?" Haein asked, obviously stalling and clearly debating with himself whether to share his dilemma with the unsuspecting Lisa or just keep it to himself. But, like Jisoo, Lisa is someone he feels he can trust. Haein never had a little sister, but if he can choose to have one, it would be Lisa.

He followed lisa at the back of the shop where she keeps most of her personal boards. They approached the boards, and like every morning, Haein watched as Lisa admire the variety of short and longboards she keep as her own as if they're her babies. He had to smile, momentarily forgetting why he's shuffling around in her shop like a puppy.

"Are you using your usual?" She asked, handing him his leash. Haein nodded and reached for the 9ft., white plexiglass board. Looking around, Lisa pursed her lips as she stared at the door. "Hm, Jisoonie should be here. Do you know if she stayed out late last night?"

Sighing, he tapped his board gently as he attempted to start explaining. "Well.. I actually wanna talk to you about.. well, maybe give you a heads up or something."

Lisa's eyes slowly widened and she clutched her board closer. She never entertained the possibility of Haein leaving and going back to Manila, but it may be sooner or later. Her heart felt heavy.

"Wait, why? Are you.." her voice trailed off. What would Jisoonie do if he leaves? She thought dejectedly.

"Leaving? No. Oh no." Haein said, chuckling nervously. "Well.. maybe not anytime soon. But thats not what i want to talk to you about."

"Li, there might be a bit of awkwardness later between me and Jisoo. Or she might not show up today to surf."

Heaving an obvious sigh of relief, Lisa faced Haein who maintained to keep his eyes on his board. "What do you mean? Did something happen? Did you two f—"


"-uck? Ah. Fight! Yes. I mean fight. "

Lisa didn't know whether to cringe or laugh at herself for that Freudian slip. It was telling how sordid her suspicions were about the two, but to her defense, she knows, sooner or later, the two will find themselves in that situation. And she can't wait to rub it their faces how right she was about them.

But that day would have to wait. Today, a listless man is standing infront of her. "Wait, oppa. Did you two fight? What did you fight about?"

Haein shook his head. "No we didn't fight. Well, we were talking last night about.. stuff.." he stops, biting his lip in hesitation. "Yeah so we were talking and drinking and then.."

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