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*again this is not my work, all credit goes to frenchwritermelon (at Frenchies Fanfics). I did type it tho.*


Bronte stared at the cup for a moment. He squinted at Oralie. "What is this?"

"It's a human drink. Coffee."

He cautiously takes a sip.

His eyes suddenly go wide.

Oralie takes a step back. "Um. Are you okay?"

Bronte stared at the cup for a moment before suddenly downing the rest of it.


"This is amazing."




"I need more."

"But I don't have more--"

He stands. "Then let's go to the Forbidden Cities and get more."



Bronte strides into the coffee shop. "Coffee."

"Bronte, I don't think you should drink any more of that."

The barista was chewing gum, and looking at him, unimpressed. "Um, can I help you, sir?"


Oralie stops him. "Just one cup of what I ordered earlier, please."

She nods. "Whatevs." She holds out her hand for money.

Oralie pulls out a small bag. "Bronte, I don't have a lot of human money, so I'm only buying you one more cup--"

"I don't care. That was the most amazing thing I've ever drank in my entire life."

She smiled, paying the barista, who handed her the cup of coffee.

Bronte grabbed it, taking a sip. A small smile flitted across his lips.

Oralie laughed. "Wow, you really like coffee, don't you?"

"It would appear so," he murmurs, taking another sip and sitting at one of the tables.

Oralie sat next to him. "Well, I'm glad you like it."

Bronte didn't say anything, he just took another sip, sighing contently.

~Hours Later~

Bronte picked up his imparter, which was ringing. "Where have you been?" Oralie asked.

Bronte's hand wasn't staying still for some reason. "I'm still here. I figured out how to convert lusters."

Oralie's expression became one of horror "Oh no. Stay there. I'll be right there." She hung up

Bronte was puzzled "Why?" He felt like he could run a marathon. 10 marathons! 100 MARATHONS! IN A ROW!

It was then that Oralie came in. "We're going." She noticeably didn't try to lead him out of there through physical contact

"Councillor Oralie," Emery called, "Where were you?"

Bronte was smiling, and still trembling a bit.

Oralie bit her lip. "Umm..."

Emery stepped away from Bronte. "Is he... okay?"

"Oh, he'll be fine in a few minutes."

"Why is he smiling?"

"I'm smiling?" asks Bronte, confused. He hadn't noticed. "Well, I just feel great! I feel... empowered."

Emery takes another step back. "What did you do to him?"

"Well... he had a bit too much of a human beverage. Coffee."

"Too much? I'm still thirsty. I need more," argues Bronte.

"No, you don't. You need water."

Bronte sighed, but still had a smile glued to his face. "Fine. But tomorrow, I get more coffee!" He started speed-walking away at a pace where Oralie had to jog to keep up with him.

Emery watched the unusual scene, and shook his head.

Oralie finally caught up to him. "Whoa! You should slow down a bit."

"I'm just walking," he argued.

"You're practically running!"

"I am?" He laughed. "Well, it would appear I am." He slowed down to a normal speed-walking pace.

Oralie was catching her breath. "D-did you just laugh?"


Oralie was officially concerned. "How many cups of coffee did you drink?"

"Eleven," he replies cheerfully.

She covers her face with her hand. "Oh my god, Bronte..."

"What's wrong? I feel amazing! I just... I want to run around in circles!"

Oralie made a face. He was acting so weird... and happy... "Don't... do that."

"I just feel like rolling down this grassy hill and then running back up it again!"

"Oh, dear Lord--"

Bronte started to sit down in the grass.


But it was too late. Bronte was already rolling down the hill.

Oralie stared with horror for a moment before letting out a giggle. "Wow."

Bronte charged back up the hill. "Again!"

She took his arm. "I don't think so, Councillor Pointy Ears. You need to sleep this off."

"Sleep? I can't possibly sleep! The idea of sleep is so absurd!"

"You'll regret this tomorrow. I'll make fun of you for this later, but right now, you need to get back to your tower."

"Fine," he grumbled, still smiling.


i love it.

Mainly Bronte OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now