NOT MY STORY! But it's cool.

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*This is not mine, all credit goes to Frenchies Fanfics for this, but i thought it was awesome so.... I stole it. :) I'm sure they won't mind if i give them credit right?!*


He blushed, staring at them. Blue dinosaur pajamas.

His bodyguard, Olgic, snickered. "Are you gonna wear those?"

"No! Of course not!" Terik rolled his eyes and headed into his room. Sure enough, he slipped into the pajamas, hoping Olgic wouldn't come in and check on him. Noland got the cutest gifts. Not that he'd ever admit it of course!

He smiled softly, touching the soft fabric of the sleeves. He stared at the crystal ceiling, sighing. He eventually drifted off to sleep.

"Terik!? You wore the pajamas?" asked Noland, smiling broadly.

His face burned. "What? Who told you that?"

"Um, your bodyguard."

Terik shot a glare at Olgic, who shrugged, giving an unforgiving grin. He sighed heavily. "Yes, I did."

"Are they comfortable?"


Noland laughed loudly. He always laughed loudly. He couldn't exactly control it. Terik hated to admit it, but he loved the sound of his laugh. The echo bounced off the walls of the tall castle, disappearing above the immeasurably high ceiling. "Well! I'm glad you like it! I picked it out specially for you."

"They're... I really... I like them a lot." Terik realized his face was starting to go red.

Noland looked at him, eyebrows raised. "Well. That's good!"

Terik smiled, nodded, and walked away before he could continue to make a fool of himself.

Oralie glanced over at him, smiling slyly. "So cute," she mouthed.

He blushed, rolling his eyes.

Oralie was the only one he'd trusted enough to talk to about Noland. She teased him about it sometimes, and Terik used to tease her about liking Kenric. They were closer friends than people seemed to realize. Terik and Noland were also friends, but it was slowly getting more and more awkward the more Terik fell in love with him. Noland was mostly confused, wondering why Terik was acting so strange.

Terik stole another glance at Noland, sighing.

Noland caught him staring and smiled, offering a little wave.

Terik waved back. Wow he's so cute...

Part Three

Terik smiled at Bronte as he walked by. Bronte half-acknowledged him, mumbling a hello and continuing to walk briskly down the hall. Terik smiled to himself. Bronte was so serious all the time. Terik had only seen him smile a few times. He did have kind of a nice smile, though. It really helped soften the sharper features of his face-

Terik quickly tried to stop his thoughts from going any further, but the thought was already there.

Bronte was very good-looking.

Terik resisted the urge to curse.

Bronte curses alot-

Stop it. Bronte is just a friend. A good one, too. And he already liked Noland. You can't like two people... can you? He thought about it.

Mainly Bronte OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now