Chapter - 8.

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well , sleep for some may be nice , relaxing but never for me , as a demigod , sleep was accompanied y nightmares , but now I'm a god , and gods don't have nightmares , do they? well there surely are exceptions , aren't there ?

I was back at that place , and by that place , I mean Tartarus . I was standing on a ledge , the air was terrible and I was gasped for breath , when a cold voice spoke , a very familiar voice , the voice of my grandfather , Kronos

" ah Perseus , I was hoping to see you "

" what is it my lord Kronos " I said sarcastically

" you may be immortal now Perseus , but you can still fade "

" yeah , we'll se about that " then there was laughter , it was someone old , ancient , someone evil

"you see Perseus , I'm not alone this time , I've got allies " Kronos said , as he joined in the laughter

and , that's when I woke up

Thalia was there , with Artemis and Hestia , even Dad was there , with Hermes , all of them looked worried , then my dad picked me up from my bed and flashed me to Olympus

we were in the throne room , everyone was seated , some of the tians were also there , seated on chairs , in a corner , in another corner were the hunters of Artemis . all eyes were on me , only then did I realize , I was shivering . Artemis , Hestia and dad took their places on their thrones and Thalia went to the hunters .

I was in the middle , then Drama Queen spoke up

" why have you called this meeting Perseus ?"

what ! , I haven't called any meeting , I was asleep

" what do you mean , Lord Zeus , I have called no meeting "

" what ! is this a joke to you !" Athena barked

" relax , he didn't call the meeting , not consciously at least " Artemis backed me up

" is there anything you wanted to tell us ?" Hades offered

" I had a Dream "I told them

" a nightmare ?" dad suggested , looking worried

" you lie , gods can't have nightmares " Athena barked , again , glaring at me as she stood up from her throne , summoning he spear

" you shall not touch him !" Artemis , Hestia , dad , a few titans and hunters said in union as they got up from their seats, Artemis drew out her bow and was ready to shoot Athena

" Lady Athena , I say this as respectfully as I can , return to your throne " I said , as my wings reappeared and I summoned my staff

Athena looked scared , but she attacked me and I whispered a curse and Athena was instantly lifted up in the air and black smoke came from her mouth as she fell to the floor , unconscious , the dark smoky thing disappeared

" she was possesed " I said and everyone was staring at me , like they had just seen chaos himself , then Athena woke up , stared at me for a minute , like she was trying to asses me

" thank you " that's all she said as she walked back to her throne , my wings disappeared , so did my staff when Zeus spoke , throwing everyone out of their surprise
" so , would you mind sharing a few details from your dream " he almost seemed scared

I told them of what Kronos said , and that he had a new ally , all of them listened, too stunned to speak , finally Athena broke the silence that had lingered on for too long

" father , are you thinking , what I'm thinking , is this -"

" yes child " Zeus replied in a dead serious tone , like the fate of the word depended on what I just said

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