The First Meeting

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"It was an average day in your life. Your schedule was always the same, every day consisting of nothing but work. Work, come home, eat, shower, sleep: that was your daily routine. You wished for things to take a turn, but you knew it wouldn't happen anytime soon, or perhaps it would."

It was 5:30 pm. I was taking the same path to get home that I took every day. It was pouring out and I forgot to bring my umbrella with me. Due to this, I decided to cut through an alleyway to get home because it caused the trip back home to be shorter, ensuring that I wouldn't be completely soaked by the time I got home. The alleyway was dark, though I expected it to be. While walking through it, I passed by the sound of a few soft whimpers. I decided to turn back, finding what appeared to be a neko, a half-cat and half-human creature. He was soaking wet, this was because he was sitting in an area that was in the rain. I approached him, causing him to do the best he could to scoot away from me, but it was all in vain considering that he appeared to be stuck. 

"Hey, it's alright," I gently put one of my hands on his shoulder. He jumped at my sudden action, but he quickly managed to calm down. After a bit of a struggle, I managed to free him from what he was caught onto. When I got closer to him, I noticed many things. One of the things that stuck out to me was how badly he smelt, which was previously covered up by the smell of the rain. I back up a bit, mostly with the intent of giving him some space, but also to get away from the stench. Now that I thought about it, he didn't seem too healthy. It was as if he's been living in the alley his entire life, he smelt bad (that was clearly evident,) he appeared to be dirty, his clothes were old and ripped, and he was fairly skinny. 

I noticed he was staring back at me as if he wanted to say something, but he stayed quiet. It took him a bit, but he finally managed to speak. "U- um, thank you.." He was looking towards the ground now with his ears down, giving him the appearance of being embarrassed. "No problem!" My kind words seemed to be enough to please him considering the fact that he smiled at me after I said that. I wasn't sure what to do in this situation, but then I decided to act on my past thoughts. "Have you been living here your entire life?" He again appeared to show some sort of embarrassment. "I- well- yeah, I have.." I felt bad for him.

I decided to use this opportunity to your advantage. I always wanted a roommate (or just anyone I could live with considering I enjoyed the company of others.) After all, it's not like he would be able to refuse an offer like that. "You know, if you need a place to stay, I wouldn't mind letting you live with me." I watched his eyes quickly light up, showing his interest in the offer and his happiness. He accepted and I started walking back home with him. 

This would be quite an interesting night.



If you came here after I said it would be rewritten, you'll notice that the way she first got him to come home with her is different from the first version. I tried to make him more action-based rather than talkative. However, as I mentioned, adding his stutters when he spoke is an extreme ick of mine. It physically disgusts me to type like that, but it's needed to convey some emotion so there's not much I can do about it. I hope you all enjoyed this as much as the first version!

The Cat in the Alley (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now