Chapter 5: The Plan

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Jennifer's POV:
I thought about that poor girl the whole ride home and the entire rest of the night. I almost wasn't able to sleep at all because I couldn't get her off my mind. Around midnight I still wasn't asleep so I got up and made a plan, a plan to get her away from there and get her here with me.
"Should I call the police? Should I call child services? Should I call anyone?" I thought to myself trying not to wake Justin. When I had gotten home last night he asked why I was back so late, I didn't tell him about Antonia though. All I said was that I got caught up at work then had to go to the grocery for a friend; thankfully he seemed to have believed that.
I decided not to call anyone. Not yet anyways. My plan was to go back to that store tomorrow and see if she's there. If she is I'd watch her to see how she lives. I'll go into the store to get some food for lunch and if by chance she sees me I'll have to come up with an excuse. At that point all I could think of that I could tell her is that I was in town and decided to stop by and say hi, and maybe even ask her to go to dinner with me.
Suddenly I noticed that Justin was in the room. I know this may sound bad but I had totally forgotten about him since I've been worrying about Antonia so much.
"Hello Jen darling, how are you doing this morning?"
"Im fine babe, what are your plans for the day?"
"Well my boss called last night and I have to go into work for a little while, why. Do you have something planned."
"Oh no, I was just wondering darling."
"Well okay then. I actually better get going but I'll call you as soon as I get off."
"sounds great, bye Hun love you."
"Love you too Jen darling!"
Justin hurried out of the house and off to work. Now that left me back to my plan. The only concern with my plan now is what to do if the paparazzi see me. If they do it would be obvious to Antonia I was there and give everything away. I looked down at my phone and saw the time, 10:30am. Quickly I picked up the phone and called a good friend of mine, Stef, who is an expert with dealing with the paparazzi.
"Hey Jen girl how's it goin?"
"Oh every thing is just great Stef, but actually I don't have much time to just talk. Can you do me a favor?"
"Of course, what do you need?"
"Can you 'work your magic' and keep the paparazzi away form me for the next few days. I've got lots of important stuff to do and I just really don't want them on my back the whole time."
"Sure I can! That'll be easy! Need anything else?"
"Thank you so much! And no I think that's all I need for now."
"Awesome, well I gotta go, I'll talk to ya later, bye!"
"Okay sounds good, bye!"
Okay, now that the paparazzi are taken care of I can get started. I grabbed a quick bite to eat then headed out. After getting in the car I turned on my GPS and pulled up the address that Antonia had given me to the store I dropped her off at.
"You have arrived at your destination," my GPS told me as I pulled into the parking lot of retail rodeo.
"Well here we go," I thought as I slid out of the car. I walked in the store just to avoid making anyone suspicious of me. I decided to buy a few things for Antonia just in case. I got her 2 new blankets, a pillow, some food, and some drinks. After getting all the stuff I packed it to the car then drove around to the side of the building where i watched Antonia fall asleep the night before. To my surprise she wasn't there. I started to get worried thinking that something could have happened to her. But hen I remembered how tough she is. She was able to escape some predator and run all the way to Bel Air.
"She probably just went on some kind of supply run or something," I thought.
I decided to pull of to the side and wait for her return. If she didn't show up by sunset then I'd go looking for her.

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