Chapter 20: Hard Lessons

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"You! Woman! You're getting off here."

For a moment, in a petty show of defiance, Trinka pretended not to hear the guard's gruff shout. Sitting in the back corner of the cart, she flexed her jaw in irritation at her situation. She should have never taken that ridiculous job and, definitely, should never have trusted any House Owner of the Grand Arena to keep his word to someone they saw as an inferior. The bastard hadn't even shown up at the lot auction, much less even made any sort of effort to see her free again, as he had sworn to do.

Most likely, this was her 'punishment' for failing to kill her mark, despite all promises that her success or failure would not affect that part of the agreement. Of course, she'd also been assured the girl had no capability as a fighter, that she'd, so far, only survived on sheer luck and mitigating circumstances. Obviously, that had been as much of a complete lie as the assurance that she wouldn't remain a slave.

The girl she'd fought had been good. Still pretty rough around the edges, maybe, but no amateur. Had Trinka been properly geared and prepared, things would have gone very differently, but being handicapped without proper arms and expecting someone completely unskilled, the damned wench had beaten her. And for her troubles, now she was stuck with a collar on her throat, bound as a slave until she could figure out a way to escape.

"I'm talking to you, slave!" Came the guard's raised voice, barking at her insolence. "Over here, now!"

For a brief moment, Trinka weighed whether it was worth showing continued disobedience. She was still pretty battered from the fight, so the guards wouldn't hesitate to add a few more bruises to her. Even if the person who'd bought her cared about it, he'd likely never even know the difference. Reluctantly, she acknowledged the guard faintly and awkwardly rose up, hindered by the chains she wore, to exit the back of the cart.

Once she'd had some additional restraints and a chain leash attached to her current shackles, they escorted her up to the House gate, massive and iron-wrought like the door of a fortress. The lead guard banged on a heavy knocker until someone addressed them from within. "You are from the Grand Arena?" Spoke a throaty voice, flavored by a strangely guttural-sounding accent, through a small grate set into one side of the tall portal.

"Yes, we're from the Grand Arena of Solace. Transporting a new gladiator for your House." The knocking guard intoned. "Are you prepared to receive her?"

There was a brief pause before a heavy boom reverberated through the metal gate, followed by the sound of turning gear-works. The heavy gate opened inwards enough to allow entrance, though the guards remained out in the street, as though waiting for someone to exit for the exchange.

The creature that stepped into view through the opening shocked Trinka. Lean-bodied and lanky-tall, it had a reptilian head and rough scaled flesh the shade of bile. She could make out a dark patterning to the scales, forming jagged lines that wove among each other. While she recognized the race from stories and barroom yarns, she had never seen one face to face before. It was a Trygothi, a subterranean race that some believed were merely the product of tales you told naughty children to frighten them into better behavior.

Inhuman yellow eyes, like that of a viper, scanned her warily, almost disapprovingly. "Are you sure?" It asked after a moment. "Doesn't look like our usual breed of buy."

Though the guards had apparently dealt with this creature previously, given their lack of surprise, Trina noted they seemed about as uncomfortable as she did in its presence. "Yes. This is your new addition." The lead guard confirmed. "Are you prepared to received her?" He asked again, a slight strain in his voice this time, as though his resolve were weakening before this creature, whose race was legend for a level of savagery that made Oruhks seem like little more than bothersome rascals.

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